Far too hot for May

May 15, 2020 23:04

It's July temps right now but with climate change I suspect this will keep happening. The starter went out of my ceiling fan BUT if I push it by hand it'll start going. Sweet because I don't like my chances of getting it fixed.

I haven't done much today other than laundry and writing and listening to podcasts. Morbid's 9th episode (which I think is from '18) detailed what I've been saying for a while now. We DID the school closure, stores doing curb-side only, theater closure, restaurants bars etc all in 1918 to curb the flu. This is not new and I would really like to see some common sense and the end of this anti-science sentiment in America. It is killing us. (The ironic thing about that podcast is the ladies couldn't imagine living in a quarantine like that).

In some ways romance is very hard to write because what one person finds romantic another will look at it and say, what's romantic about that? I'm not sure but it's what's pausing a lot of my stories. I also kinda don't want to write more sex on the other hand I want that dick badge on dick_or_treat

And before I forget, happy birthday to davesmusictank

ugh I keep forgetting to manually crosspost to LJ since the actual crossposter is busted.

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