I know I had stuff to say

Jan 29, 2020 22:14

But it's gone, so very gone. All I remember is I need help. I need a place to set a paranormal novella (one psychic, one with psychokinesis and one magic user). So is there any place you'd like to see one set? I need it to be researchable. I need ideas as to what to do with them too but that's my problem.

Also apparently yesterday was a good day for me on Ao3. I got kudos on 30 different stories in multiple fandoms!

In your own space, create your own challenge.

I have two. One fannish one not.

Challenge one: These lyrics from P!nk's song Perfect really resonate with me because I'm SO guilty of doing the opposite.

You're so mean when you talk
About yourself. You were wrong.
Change the voices in your head
Make them like you instead.

So my challenge is this. For one week say something good about yourself once a day.

I'll start: I'm actually stronger than I give myself credit for.

Challenge two: Tell us about one story you want to write and why.

Original Fiction - Points up to my original request for help. I'm not so sure I want to write this but I have to contractually. I need to tell another story of Ryan and Santino (and Cam) so I need to write another novella for these two. I literally have no ideas for this paranormal but there you have it. ETA - this is a modern setting, along the lines of Buffy/Supernatural where there are people of power but it's not common knowledge

Fan Fiction - I want to finish one of my old Buffy stories for
wipbigbang and I want to write a Prodigal Son story that has roots in Malcolm's college days so it bounces from today to about 12 years ago. I know that someone is using Martin's medical contact with the outside world to pass him info on Malcolm as a teen/early 20s

original fiction, challenges

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