So it's been a second horrible writing day (will be back later with just how bad) because I HAD to get tests graded and two lectures written. I have still one more test to write. I did this from waking up until 11 pm.
My only break was 2 hours this afternoon for a steampunk tea party in the Tea Caddy in Jackson (I've taken ELD there). I wasn't sure what to expect but I got nothing like I would have imagined. It was just a group of us sitting, drinking, eating and talking. Which okay yes I could have imagined that but I guess I was expecting...more flamboyance.
Turns out I'm the only one from my airship, three of them were from the Columbus airship (and she's the one who organized it) and the other three were the organizer's mother and her two friends.
I'm an extroverted introvert. I'm content on my own but I am mostly capable of talking to strangers. And we did. For two hours. More people were meant to be there but honestly I'm shocked anyone was.
None of the loli group came but they're from Cincinnati. That's 2 hours away. I can't imagine driving that for tea. Even coming from Columbus (which is an hour and a half) is a bit much for tea. Mom lived in the area and two of them grew up here which is why they came.
If they want more attendance, they're going to have to offer more than tea and scones. That said I enjoyed meeting them and hope we do this again.
Tonight Mom echoed what I said last night. Because we like Prodigal Son, it'll get canceled. (because if we like things they always do) I could at least tell her that it's 10 episode test run was 'renewed' for a full 22 episodes
992 / 50000 words. 2% done!