Fic - Like Stone

Oct 13, 2019 21:56

I FINALLY finished putting up the polished chapters of Like Stone up on AO3. Oh I'd like to have a third time through but I need a break to come back with fresh eyes. (and no, still haven't used
rahirah's edits because I need more damn hours in a day). It's far too long to post here. Ironically this sets up what I spent the early months of this year whining about: having a story in one spot and losing it. Well there are better methods of saving things these days so I'll risk it. If you want to read the story, it's here.

Story Title : Like Stone
Fandom: Angel: the Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Summary - Twenty years after the battle with the First and the aftermath of Jasmine’s reign, life still isn’t easy for Buffy and Angel and their friends and family. Connor has been on the outside of his father’s life for years and isn’t particularly happy to be brought back in when Dawn shows up in L.A. with a case that requires his attention. But that is just the beginning of the badness threatening to swallow them all whole.

Warnings violence but nothing above what was on the shows

Characters: Connor, Angel, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers, Spike, Willow Rosenberg, Xander Harris, Charles Gunn, Kate Lockley, Lindsey McDonald, Lilah Morgan

Pairings: technically gen fic but does contain Buffy/Angel, mentions of Buffy/Spike, original pairings for Spike, Dawn, Willow and Xander, Lindsey/Kate, Gunn/Gwen, mentions of Connor/Kate, Connor/Faith and Connor/original character and a fling for Connor & Dawn.

Disclaimer - As always, Joss owns all characters. The only thing I own are the few OC’s you’ll see in here. Lyrics, poetry and prose will be marked appropriately so we’ll all know who owns them. In all cases, it’s not me.

Rating - R

Timeline - 20 years post series ending.

Author’s Note -Since this was started in in 2003, it was written before season five of Angel and before any of the comic book canon so it’s an alternative reality story (which is why Connor has a different last name. Origins hadn’t aired yet). I’m also amused that I predicted the return of the X-Files back then. I almost changed the show’s name here but decided to leave the show title as I had it back in 2003. Thanks to
evil_little_dog and
rahirah for betaing at least a part of this fan novel. And a big thanks to
penaltywaltz for the two soundtracks and art for this. I love it and you need to check it out! You can find them here
Author’s Note #2 Things Andrew did in Dead Things (namely the attempted gang rape of Warren’s girlfriend and her murder) and other murder/attempted murders in canon, guaranteed this was not a character I liked because he never paid a price for that. There are scenes were some of the characters are equally not okay with him later in this story.

Link(s): AO3 & FFN (not yet updated there)

ats, btvs, fanfic

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