International FanWorks Day

Feb 15, 2019 23:04

So like I said, I got The Dragon's Heart finished and up. It's story #4 in a Buffy and Angel series I started back in 2004 and that story had been lying around since then. Now I need one more story to finish it off.

And I got a great piece of fan art for my
chocolateboxcomm exchange. It's still anonymous until the 21st but this was a last minute pinch hit and whoever this is hit it right out of the park. It's Willow/Tara and light bondage. I don't remember putting in that I like shibari but I do. I'm thrilled with it. Go give it some love right Here

And I am FINALLY doing some of that character meme thing. Some will get fic (not tonight. I've already written 5K today. Let me challenge my rage and omg Connor I'm SO sorry for what I did to you in that story)

Let me tackle a few tonight. If you don't remember the meme you'll find it Here Here are my characters

1. Buffy Summers
2 Leia Organa
3 Lucifer
4 Hermione Granger
5 Roy Mustang
6 Riza Hawkeye
7 Connor
8 Dana Scully
9 Spock
10 Spike
11 Willow Rosenberg
13 Edward Elric
14. Han Solo
15 Drusilla

Character #3: If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would your five-year-old self do first? : Lucifer- Hmmm, I'm not sure I was ever a five years old and this is a body made for sin. It would be wasted on a five year old! Okay I suppose I would hit the play ground and whatever game all the little kids are playing, I'd play to win!

Character #7: What would be the hat to end all hats? What could you wear on your head that would make people stop what they are doing and stare in awe and amazement? : Connor - I am sure I have never worn a hat a day in my life. I'm not sure what I could wear. It would be something to make Angel nuts because I'm an ass that way. How about a steampunk top hat and let him think I'm doing the goth vampire thing?

Character #11, what sexy name would you give #15?: Willow - Hmm, Drusilla? Wow, that's hard. I mean I like women but she's a little too dangerous for me. I know Spike calls her his ripe wicked plum and that works for her!

Character #9 has had a job transfer. Character #1 is their new boss. What does #9 get written up for in the first week? Spock is now working for Buffy. She instantly writes him up for having no sense of humor and pointing out errors in her plans. He does not play well with others.

Character #8 goes on a Tinder date with #4. Were they catfished? Does one of them have a sudden, fake emergency that requires them to leave? Do they go home together at the end of the night? Dana Scully gets set up to go on a date with Hermione. Oh yes, they've been catfished. Scully is appalled since this would be a crime and she being FBI. Hermione suspects it was Draco who did it just to be a mean little git.

scribblemoose Character #5 bumps into Character #12 in a library, by the Health and Relationships section. What happens next? Ahahaha way to pick two in the same fandom. So Roy Mustang runs into Winry Rockbell in the relationship section? He makes pleasant small talk, commiserates with her on how clueless Edward is in this arena and then he selects a few books to help her out. Winry is probably rolling her eyes at him.

#5, #9, meme, #4, #7, #3, #8, btvs, #1, #12, #15, #11

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