I'm impressed

Jan 20, 2018 22:43

When I concentrate, I can accomplish shit. Yeah I'm still upset I didn't go to the Frozen festival. On the other hand I got the back room and the bathroom ready and part of the utility closet AND I got all the parasitology notes reordered (by working in 15 minute intervals so I wouldn't over tire my brain or my patience). Now you don't want to open the closet in the backroom and if I don't fall over shit in my bedroom tonight and die I'll be shocked but at least that much is done (and I will probably dismantle that broken futon rather than replace it)

Today was a lesson in irony for Kanda. Normally he sleeps on the couch in the day. Today he wants to sleep everywhere but there BUT I'm rearranging crap in all the rooms. The couch is the only place I wouldn't be disturbing him. He never went there once today.

My nice quiet bathroom/reading time was interuppted by a bout of nausea/vomiting. I think it was from the gastric paresis but maybe a touch of food poisoning.

This morning featured the weirdest of pee dreams....

my stomach

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