It was a slow month again (if you discount all the Attack on Titan reading). At least I finally wrote up the piddly amount of movies I've seen. As always feel free to talk to me about any of them. There are several here I think a few of you would really like.
book: The Misshapes YA, superhero-fantasy
book: Nobody's Secret YA historical mystery (Emily Dickenson is the sleuth)
book: Firelight historical paranormal romance
book: Black Birds urban fantasy (written by the author of the Terrible Minds blog)
Graphic Novel: Sing No Evil urban fantasy metal band GN from Finland.
manga: Attack on Titan #1 manga: Attack on Titan #2 &3 manga: Attack on Titan #4 All the Titan manga are dystopian fantasy
Sadly I think that this is it for 2 months. Really getting my money out of Netflix (and one was seen at the theater!)
Amazing Spiderman #2 superhero
Captain America: The Winter Soldier superhero (Yes now I can read the fanfic my friends write)
Murderdrome roller derby slasher flick, the one I saw with the Hell Betties roller derby team.
And now back to nanoing. Oh and I had to share this.
cajunshewolf passed it on to me and I know many of you will enjoy.
wildrider I'm looking at you.
Dr. Who Parody doing the Time Warp.
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