Ficlet - Strange Relatives

Aug 22, 2012 22:58

Title -- Strange Relatives
Author-- cornerofmadness
Fandom -- Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Disclaimer -- Whedon owns them
Rating -- teen
Characters/Pairing -- Connor & Dawn
Timeline/Spoilers -- post series
Word Count -- 166
Warning -- AU for the ending of both series
Summary -- They have some strange relatives
Author’s Note -- it probably would have gotten too long for the prompt if I let it. Written for fanfic_bakeoff’s ‘affinity’ prompt.


“My sister, the Slayer, still sleeps with stuffed animals on the bed. Top that.” Dawn sat back, grinning. She took a sip of her lemonade.

Connor grinned back. He was enjoying the fact that both Slayers had came to LA to team up with Angel and Spike on something. He was happy to see Faith again and Dawn was proving to be a lot of fun. She had great Angel stories. “The way I see it, being the son of two vampires means I automatically win the ‘my relatives are freaks’ contest.”

“That’s too easy,” Dawn protested. “You have to know something weird about Angel.”

“Where to start?” Connor rubbed his chin then beamed. “Did you know Angel has a real affinity for the power ballad and is crazy for Barry Manilow.”

Dawn choked on her drink. Pounding her chest, she rasped out. “You’re kidding, right?”

“He’s even sang some of it karaoke style. I’ve heard it can make your ears bleed.” Connor chuckled.

“You win, hands down.”

ats, btvs, dawn, connor

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