two more holiday ficlets

Dec 27, 2010 00:33

Title Freestyle Decorating
Author- cornerofmadness
Fandom Angel the Series
Disclaimer Mr Whedon owns all
Rating PG
Characters/Pairing Angel, Gunn
Timeline/Spoilers let's call it season 2, no direct spoilers
Word Count 328
Warning none
Summary Not everyone aggress on how the Hyperion should be decorated.
Author’s Note written for A2Zmom’s prompt of Angel, Gunn, notebook
' for my Holiday Drabble meme and for 12_daysofficmas’s carry prompt.


“He's driving me crazy,” Gunn said. “I did not take Wesley's notebook.”

Angel glanced up from where he was arranging decorations on one of the hotel's mantels. “You were mocking the notebook.”

Gunn tossed himself on a chair. “Who plans out every moment of the holidays in a notebook? Every decoration to put out, where every speck of tinsel goes? Sometimes I forget how anal Wes is.”

The vampire chuckled. “I know. That's the Watcher in him. They can be a bit insufferable some times.”

“A vampire would know.” Gunn smirked and Angel curled his lip at him. Gunn jerked a hand toward the mantle. “I don't remember that being planned.”

“It wasn't. You guys finally talked me into decorating for the holidays so I figured I ought to at least help,” Angel replied, putting up silver and blue candles amidst the pine garland. “I was never very observant when I was mortal. I believed, mind you. At that time, you pretty much had to believe or else. The church was a different animal back then, but I annoyed my father by ignoring the church. Sounds childish now.”

“We all have our moments. My mom, she loved the holiday. We didn't have much but she made the most with what we had for me and Alonna.” Gunn sighed, his jaw clenching. “I didn't think I'd want to even think about the holiday. It makes me sad usually but this year feels different.”

“This year we all have a new family, even if they make us occasionally nuts,” Angel said.

Gunn snorted. “Just wish I knew who took the notebook.”

“I did.” Angel smirked. “I've always been a bit of an artist. I need to be free to create my own decorating. It'll do good for Wes to relax and work outside his box.”

“Sounds good but if he asks me again, I'm ratting you out.” Gunn got up and slapped Angel's shoulder.

“And happy holidays to you, too.”

Title Warm Me Up
Author- cornerofmadness
Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist
Disclaimer Arakawa owns all
Rating PG
Characters/Pairing Roy, Olivia
Timeline/Spoilers post series so spoilers up to 108.
Word Count 360
Warning none really
Summary The two Fuhrer wanna be's console themselves.
Author’s Note written for seatbeltdrivein’s prompt of How about Olivier/Roy - some sort of Military function (Maybe a winter ball?)' for my Holiday Drabble meme and for 12_daysofficmas’s carry prompt.


“It's very nice of you to use my house to have a Winter ball, Olivia,” Roy said.

Olivia thumped his chest. “Just a little get together for select officers and it's my house. It was only yours if I died during the Promised Day.”

Roy grinned. “But we made it.”

She scowled back. “And neither of us ended up being Fuhrer.”

He sighed, looking down at his glass now empty of whiskey. “Yeah, I try to tell myself that it's for the best, less stress.”

She pulled a long face. “That's not going to work. Go get us both another drink.”

He nodded, going off to get refills. He'd already had a couple but one more wouldn't hurt. Olivia had migrated to the back patio, staring out over the snow under the soft glow of the moon. The light spilling out of the house made other portions of snow glitter like a diamond merchant's wares. “It's cold,” Roy said, handing her the whiskey. “This will warm you up.”

“This isn't cold, you Eastern hothouse flower.” Olivia took the crystal tumbler filled with amber liquid warmth.

“Yes, this is probably a summer day in Briggs,” Roy replied. “We didn't exactly get what we wanted but it turned out better than we thought it would.”

“Thanks to some very good planning. You were better at that than I expected. You really are more than just a jumped up poster boy from the war.”

“Thanks...I think.” Roy snorted. “And it did allow me to give you flowers. That was nice.”

“Presumptuous pup.” Olivia cuffed his shoulder. “No one's ever dared do that before.”

A smarmy grin slid across his face. “I dare to do a lot of things.”

“I believe that. You might even dare to do this.” Olivia brushed her lips to his.

Roy draped an arm around her neck, pulling her closer. “I might even suggest moving this somewhere warmer.”

Olivia took away his whiskey and tugged him away from the patio doors, behind the shrubbery and threw him down in the snow. “Who needs warmth? Do like we do in Briggs, make our own heat.”

Who was Roy to argue?

fma, angel, roy/olivia, ats, gunn

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