And here comes the stress..

Jan 24, 2004 19:57

Oh man I can't even begin to imagine how stressful tomorrow is going to be. Tomorrow is bid day, the day we find out if we are absolutely wanted at any sorority. I only got called back to one house today that I would actually be interested in joining. It just so happens that house is my absolute favorite, though. So of course, I'm really nervous and stressed about tomorrow. So this is how it works -- probably the worst system ever. Everyone has to stay in their dorms between 4 and 5 tomorrow. If we aren't getting a bid anywhere, the recruitment counselors come around to our dorms to let us know. Can you imagine how long that hour is going to take? But, then if I don't get a call or anything, that means I got a bid at Alpha Phi, which would make me so happy. But if I don't get a bid, I'm going to be very upset. Oyy I'm not really looking forward to that. I think it went well there today, but who knows. Tomorrow night would be so much fun if I got a bid, and I guess it would suck if I didn't. Basically you go out and party all night, the night right before classes start. That sounds like fun to me. Although I really need to get more sleep than 3 hours, that's totally not enough for me. Last night I meant to leave SAE at 1, we even called a cab and everything. But then I got caught up talking to cute boys and ended up staying out until like 4:30, and then not going to sleep until 6. And then, since rush is so stressful, I woke up at 9. No good. 3 hours is definitely not enough. Especially considering the night before I only got like 6, and the night before that definitely only 2. I had an awesome time at SAE last night, though, a lot more fun than last time. I met a lot of brothers and did some other cool stuff... yea. So I think I want to go back there tonight. I met some guy named Andrew and I hope he gives me a call tonight, but I kind of doubt it because I blew him off last night. He wanted me to sleep over his room and I said no. Anyway, I'm definitely going out tonight, just not quite sure where. I was a really nice person last night. My friend and I were both interested in this rower, and she had been upset with rush this week, so I told her to go for him, and then I went and found new boys. It actually worked out really well. Yay for Becky giving boys to her friends. I had plenty of boys last night anyway. I actually think I'm sick of boys for awhile. Maybe tonight I'll try and pick up some girls. Well, it's a thought. Haha, anyway, I'm going to go watch a movie and then get ready to go out. Wish me luck on my bid tomorrow!!
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