Last week, the two guys I work for told me that they are going to have to lay me off. There hasn't been much new work coming in, and, while I should've been more on top of things in getting prepared, I can't say I am surprised by this. The economy is bad in this state, and it's finally caught up with me.
In may ways I am looking at this as a good thing. This was, at best, a lateral move for me from my previous job. Ironically enough, I just got my certificate from the AIA admitting me to full membership. So, now that I'm licensed, it looks like I am going to be on my own.
Now is the time to start looking at setting up my own solo practice, for one thing. I have a placeholder website, and that is one of the things I will be working on in the next few weeks. Even if I end up getting another job working for someone else, I will probably keep my own practice as well.
I am also going to start marketing myself as an architectural photographer. I have been loaned a Nikon digital SLR (the same model, in fact, that I used to create this picture of the Pittsfield Branch library) so that I can do some exploration with a DSLR and build up a personal portfolio.
I'm on the lookout for other things, as well. I don't want to just go work for anyone, though in some ways it would be comfortable even just being a CAD monkey with a steady paycheck. But I'm going to find out what I can do on my own.
That said, I'm looking for work, and would appreciate leads you may be able to pass along. There are updates to come.