Jan 12, 2008 22:09
So we went to see Sweeny Todd today. It really wasn't what I was expecting. I mean, I knew it was going to be bloody and I knew it was going to be a musical... but... I dunno. It wasn't really an uplifting movie...but alas it was really good movie. There was one part that I thought was really awful, and I had to look away. I did have a strange craving for meat pies afterwards...
We went to Cherokee park afterwards to walk around... good times. I am really bummed with the weather we have been having lately.... I mean, it's January and you could almost wear shorts outside.
We finally took all of our X-mas decorations down today and cleaned house. It is nice to have some space in here again.
I have been playing Team Fortress 2...well trying to play it, but I have been having some shitty lag. I heard that XboxLive is having some issues, but I dunno. My character will start spazzing out and going all over the place... I know that the other people playing must think I am crazy.