Day 01 - Sequel that should not have been made
Day 02 - Movie that you think more people should see
Day 03 - Favorite Oscar-nominated movie from most recent ballot
Day 04 - Movie that makes you laugh every time
Day 05 - Movie you loathe
Day 06 - Movie that makes you cry every time
Day 07 - Least favorite movie by a favorite actor or actress
Day 08 - Movie that should be required high school viewing
Day 09 - Best scene ever
Day 10 - A movie you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving
Day 11 - A movie that disappointed you
Day 12 - Best soundtrack/background music in a scene
Day 13 - Favorite animated movie
Day 14 - Favorite film in black and white
Day 15 - Best musical
Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure movie
Day 17 - Favorite series of related movies (for this, a series can be two)
Day 18 - Favorite title sequence
Day 19 - Best movie cast
Day 20 - Favorite kiss
Day 21 - Favorite romantic couple
Day 22 - Favorite final scene/line
Day 23 - Best explosion or action scene
Day 24 - Quote you use most often
Day 25 - A movie you plan on watching (old and new)
Day 26 - Freakishly weird movie ending
Day 27 - Best villain
Day 28 - Most overhyped movie
Day 29 - Movie you have watched more than ten times
Day 30 - Saddest death scene
Day 31 - Scene that made you stand up and cheer
Favorite kiss:
...can't really argue this one- it does seem super obvious though.
Best Romantic Couple:
I definitely pick this one because of the memories associated with it. It is one of the first movies I've ever watched with my wife (...the first one was Pecker, the basically forgotten but somewhat charming John Waters film). It's about Queen Elizabeth and her bodyguard... it was clearly a romantic relationship (or portrayed as one) where two people never actually engage in any romantic activities. There have been other movies like this- is one is just my favorite.
Favorite Final Line:
Some Like It Hot
"Well, nobody's perfect!"
Favorite Final Scene:
Dogville.'s pretty old now so I can throw out a spoiler. Everyone gets slaughtered. It's equally terrifying and emotionally satisfying. It's kinda awful and hilarious at the same time.