Jan 20, 2011 19:12
I have been neglecting this LJ in favor of the audioblog on Xagna but also not blogging at all. I tried one time to do my audioblog last year and my parents thought I was upset (I usually am when I do that, its a way of venting). So this is good for when they are here.
I am getting a bit too caught up in games on Facebook. I have had to cut back a bit to even play regular RPGs. And if DC 5 (the 5th iteration of my new adopted Neverwinter server) comes out soon I will have to do the same. I started scaling back using people that I know IRL or even those I met online outside of social gaming.
Since I live on Facebook practically, I put up a group and a fan page for my church. I gave myself the title of "Facebook Presence Manager" and no one blinked. Later on we changed our name to Horizon Church and I had to make a new fan page. The worship has been interesting at times but now is getting a little slower-paced. I love the energetic songs both old and new. Tom Brower is getting the band together for more of the worship services and that is good. I was helping Danny and Cory set up children's ministry and continue to do so even after they left that behind. I have helped on on the HOPE projects that Sara and Dave organize like building a deck for a little old lady who couldn't pay to have someone else do it.
I miss having the marrieds in our small group. But me, Ted, Dan, and Micheal still get together on Wednesdays for a devo.
I have also gotten involved in a new fandom. I love the TV series Chuck. I started following a bunch of people on Twitter and subscribed to a few podcasts and its been much fun. I was able to go to two Chuckfests in LA and meet the cast.
Last year my parents stayed up in Michigan so that Steve, my future SIL, Kerry, her son Triston, and my nephew Bradley could come up and see snow. It was hard those two extra months but I made it. After meeting Kerry back in March, I believed that she was a good match for Steve and still do. Triston loved doing the snowboarding and so did Bradley. Then after they left, me and Mom and Dad headed back toward Arizona.
We stopped in West Frankfort to visit my Dad's family. Aunt Wanda is still recovering from her stroke and can only say a few words over and over. it was a bit on the heart-rending side. I did get to see my cousin Shelly's family as well. Their kids are so much more well-disciplined than most I see. I saw aunt Ruth and uncle Jerry and Mimi. Mimi (Dad's mom) does not talk much anymore but she does not have the problems my mother's mother is dealing with right now. I got Aunt Ruth's computer working well while I was over there.
Getting home was OK. We adjusted to life back here. Then Gabby got shot. I was scared at first thinking this may end up being a coordinated attack by the tea partiers to take down all liberals in the county. Then my protesting nature asserted itself and I went to the mall with my War is Over if you want it T-shirt. Yeah, turned out that the shooter was just another one out in the sun too long.
Anyhow, that is what has been going on those of you who are still my LJ friends.