election fraud + lovely people

Oct 24, 2008 16:34

a friend went to vote the other day, voted straight democratic ticket (y'know, where the machine fills in the whole thing as votes for democrats?), and when she got to the confirmation page, her vote showed up as MCCAIN/PALIN!!!!  now, this isn't like it's a game of telephone, with a story 15 people removed.  this happened here, now, to my friend!  it has me so beyond upset that i can't write much about it, it's one of my greatest fears realized, and i've read that it's happening in other states, too.  so i'll just say this:  when at the polls, don't hit the 'cast your vote' button without double checking your vote!!!  and have a cellphone with you, if you can, and RAISE HOLY HELL if it happens to you (call the newsmedia, campaign headquarters, police, don't leave the voting booth, etc.).  i'm obviously an obama fan, but regardless of how you vote, it needs to be a fair election for everyone.

a couple of happier things, which are blogs i'd like to point you to. 

These guys look like the love children of Albus Dumbledore and Alan Ginsburg.  Anado's a pretty amazing artist, too.

and Margaret and Helen have been best friends for 60 years, this is their (mostly Helen's) blog:  An entry from after the last presidential debate:

Well, I thought it was a good debate.  My hats off to Bob Shieffer… and my blouse too if he plays his cards right.  (Just don’t tell my husband.) But who the hell is Joe the Plumber?  Seriously.   What the hell was that all about?  Joe the Plumber?  Joe Six Pack?  The new McCain strategy seems to be banking on a lot of guys named Joe with a beer in one hand and a pipe wrench in the other.  Is this a political campaign or a dating service for the Palin women?

And while I am talking about Governor Good Hair from the North I just want to say good for Sarah Palin that she has an interest in helping special needs children.  They need all of our help and every child should come into this world being wanted and loved.  Sarah you have my full support on this matter.  It’s just too bad you also have to worry about a special needs Senator for a running mate.

John McCain thinks Americans are angry?  Really?  I think he needs to look beyond his rallies.  Americans are not angry.   Republicans are angry.  Bush screwed ‘em over and now McCain is rubbing salt in the wound.  It looks to me like The Straight Talk Express is stuck in traffic and its driver is experiencing a little road rage.   The rest of us are hopeful and anxious, but certainly not angry.  We want change and it is so close we can almost taste it.  The next three weeks will be the longest of my 82 years.

Folks, I’m tired and I don’t have another fight in me.  It’s now or never.  So to all of you I say this:  Give your money.  Give your time.   Give your voice.   Get up.  Get out and do something.  Anything.  If America takes a chance on Maverick the Clown and his side kick, Clarabell, we will find ourselves so far down the crapper even Joe the Plumber can’t reach us.  Get out there and vote!

Thank you for stopping by.  I mean it.  Really.

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