Jul 12, 2008 12:59
everyone should see the diving bell and the butterfly. i so want to delve into what the film was about and what it meant to me but then again i can't quite grasp the correct words. whenever i see movies like this and the feeling sits in me like an eerie fog a certain hope floods my whole being that there are still some souls out there in this ugly world with originality and creativity. people that still hold on to the age old techniques of film structure but than can also push the envelope and thus affect someone for 135 minutes. move someone, inspire someone, question someone. i'm just so glad i took the film classes i did the past 2 semesters. i learned so much and explored a part of myself i didn't even know existed. at the end of the film i was left with the reflection that above all, human consciousness is the greatest miracle of this entire world of evolution. sometimes i think that a good movie, a good song, a good book just helps you realize thoughts, opinions or feelings within yourself that were always there but you just needed to see them in reassurance through the eyes or imagination of someone else. that doesn't sound how i want it to sound but thats okay i suppose.