Feb 04, 2005 22:33
I fucking hate my dell computer. I have been trying to sign on to AIM because I really need to talk to Lee and Mack and Aric and I hate it!!!!!!!!!! Fuck it! But I don't care...want to know why? Lust my friends. I was trying to find a better word for that today with Jordan. Whats a good word to describe lust without actually saying lust because apparently that is an ugly word. I don't know...whatever way you say it yay for boys! He likes me bitches! Thats right he does...this never ever happens...ever. I don't even really care if I go out with out him, although that would be reallly nice, it's just so cool that he likes me at all. I can't stop thinking about him...I am so fucking gitty all the time...you people should have seen me in Geography. I kept doing these sugh things and I couldn't sit still and I just kept squealing and smiling a lot. I am rarely gitty so when I am I need to play it up you know? Well today there was this awesome amazing presentation for Black History Month and they sang these awesome songs...it was just like Fame. There were people all around crowding around eachother and dancing in the halls. We all cheered soooooo loud at the end. I love him...i can't get the image of him singing out of my mind. I love him! Yay! I am no longer mad at my computer....but I am impatient..I need to sto worrying and thinking...I need a distraction. I just wrote a song called Fuck. It started out really good but then the word fuck just floated into my mind as it does a lot, and I just said cause in this life there is only one word....(power cord) fuck. I think that it is funny. I have to do something...time to take a shower! I haven't atken one in like a week..heheh ewww...