Mar 22, 2006 22:18
Certain people (person?) needs to mind their own business.
Liz comes tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Yum We're going to Scalawags....I might not eat all day to make sure I'm hungry. Wait this is me we are talking about; I'm always hungry!
Friday we leave for Albany, 11hours on a bus!! WOOT!! perhaps I am too excited about this, nah, it's gonna be a great time!
Hockey! woot!
I painted my nails tonight :D
My fingers are cold but my face is hot....odd.
I want my patience back.
Adrienne, I miss you. This is the part of the evening where I would do something crazy. But Ian will just think I'm insane if I go down and bug him.
This spiratic entry brought to you by the letters, C. P. Q. and J.