Dec 11, 2006 19:51
Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 6 people to tag.
Ok so to start off.. I dont know if these are considered weird but I tried to think of ten random facts about me that you may or may not already know
1. While most people identify characters from a movie by that character's name and then find out which actor or actress plays that character.. I automatically identify the characters by the actor or actresses's name.. and then proceed with a full on dating history.. which causes people to give me a confused look because first I gave them all this information that they could care less about.. and second because they dont know who I am talking about.. until I say the character's name..
2. I have a strange obsession with alliteration. I love using it.. writing it.. and identifying it. When others use it.. I always point it out. In fact, I have had in depth conversations with people over whether the type of alliteration used was assonance or consanance..
3. Two of my "major" crushes have been on guys with the same name as my brothers (one was the same as one brother, and the other of the other brother)
4. I wish I could be an actress or a singer.. or both.. I could be like J Lo.. cept I would not want to get married three times.. lol see there I go again with #1
5. A cowboy hat always makes a guy ten times cuter.. the same goes with an accent, or being musically inclined..
6. When talking online.. or typing.. I always use two dots instead of comma's.. or basically all the time (feel free to look back on this entry to illustrate my point)
7. I have an "addictive personality".. what I mean by this is that I get addicted or attached to things VERY easily and VERY quickly.. whether it be people, a tv show, a music artist or type of music, a dog, etc.. and it takes a long time for me to get unattached.
8. I am very long winded and have the need to constantly explain everything.. even if its a total self explanatory thing (which if you read my lj on a regular basis.. you should already know this about me.. hehe)
9. I talk in circles. According to Laura I talk like I am writing a paper. I have my introductory sentence.. then I expand on it with examples to illustrate the orignal point, and then I restate my orignal sentence and close it off.
10. Even though it may not seem like it, I am actually a huge perfectionist. Things almost always have to be in alphabetical order, spelled right, have correct grammar etc. or I redo the whole thing. A good example of this is at camp I was in charge of writing the counselor introductions.. I decided not only to put it in alphabetical order.. but also put them in order of how many years they had been counseling.. let's just say.. it took me about five times before I got it right. I will also reread this specific entry about five times to make sure its right..
One final thought: Brad Paisley and country music make me happy :0)
I tag whoever reads this and decides they want to do it too. Go for it! :0)