Not ready for the wildlife management test Thursday. Not sure what my sociology paper is going to be about that's due Friday. Didn't watch the movie for film today because I was home this weekend getting braces and various bits of metal Installed; as a result, the makers of Tylenol are my new favorite people in the universe and I cannot speak properly. (Imagine having a U-shaped bar across the roof of your mouth and trying to say things like "thank you" or "speak" or "computer" or "Bogie". It's essentially a retainer that I can't take out for the next 14 months.) Oh, and I can't actually chew at all. And it is, of all days, my birthday.
On the other hand, whoo election day; things look good for Obama, but I'm afraid to get my hopes up. We went to Benihana's for Birthday Hijinks on Sunday, and were seated with McCain folks who kept making fun of Obama and his policies. ("Oh, don't worry about that, Obama's gonna buy you a new pair of shoes." "Will he buy me a new outfit?" "Oh, yes, Obama'll buy you a new outfit and everything!") They also hated Aggies. I somehow managed to not comment on politics but found no fewer than six opportunities to make it loudly and blatantly clear that I go to A&M and am, political grousing aside, really very attached to it. Dinner was fantastic, and I got the earrings I'd wanted:!
I'm skipping math to go vote (fine by me; who wants a math class on their birthday?) and there's a meeting tonight, which, meh. I wanted to watch the polls come in, but hopefully I'll be able to keep things short and sweet and get back relatively early. We'll see.