fic: drabble-a-thon archive.

May 23, 2009 09:44

catch a falling star

gilmore girls, rory/jess, 120 words, rating pg 13

notes: for moonstruck_t.

His fingers skip up her ribcage and she giggles.

It sounds new. She swears she doesn’t usually laugh during sex.

“Rory,” he rasps and he tugs at her curls at she laughs and his brow furrows. He’s almost offended.

She bites her lip, wondering if she should tell him that her light hearted mood really has nothing to do with his lack of sexual prowess and everything to with the fact that she can’t believe that he’s here. In her bed.

Her infectious laugh spills into the dimly lit room the instant she parts her lips.

Jess groans, more frustrated than miffed. He kisses her to shut her up.

His mouth swallows her into a little bit of intent sobriety.

resilience, oh, bashful youth.

gossip girl, dan/blair, 137 words, rating pg,

notes: for fiddlings.

It starts like this-

“Hello” says he. Hand out stretched in a gesture that is trying very hard to not be awkward. (Because, Christ, Blair they go the same school now. She sits behind him in Modern English and her Dior heels not so subtly knock the back of his chair, every once in a while)

Surely they are capable of being civilized.

It’s still goodbye from her, one eye brow arched to the skies and she doesn’t look back as she walks away.

He keeps trying till she caves.

It’s a sigh of defeat the next time (try a hundred more in between) and he grins when she rolls her eyes, fingers resting lightly on his outstretched palm. They stumble down the steps and her nails clench deep in his palm.

She always did hate to lose.

wonderful tonight

bones, booth/brennan, 154 words, rating pg

notes: for bringthewonder- more shameless fluff.

It’s been a long day.

A very long day and that kink seems to have taken up permanent residence in the small of his back so he succumbs to insanity and hands her the keys.

Her lips curl into a grin, the moment she twist the key in the ignition, widening as the engine roars to life and has he mentioned he really loves it when she smiles? Because Bones never smiles to be polite (Bones is never polite) and Bones never smiles for the heck of it.

She smiles to smile and that’s that- lips stretched out as she steers the car down the road to his place. She walks him to door. Fixes him a cup of tea and there’s a little smile when she says “good night” because it’s pleasing when he trusts her enough to let her take the wheel.

He loves it when the reason she smiles is him.

it’s all in the family

gossip girl, blair/tripp, 148 words, rating pg

notes: for lokiyan- au to the finale.

Nate’s graduation party is far from her finest moment.

Yet another rejection from the Bass-hole and her New Years Eve shenanigans with the uncle are now public knowledge, so there doesn’t seem to be much left to do but drink the champagne and curse Serena under her breath.

She’s got an elbow propped against the bar and a thin glass twirling in her finger, eyes narrowing as a sharp suit comes into vision.


The boy grins and Blair wrinkles her nose, a little.

“I highly doubt Nate invited you,” she states primly, pulling at the hem of her skirt and straightening up a little on the stool.

“Who says I came for Nate?” He flashes those pearly whites at her and leans in close enough for her to smell the strange mixture of Scotch and soap.

She lets him kiss her and thinks that there is something to be said for keeping it in the family.

just like oil on my hands

gossip girl, jack/blair (implied chuck) 125 words, rating r.

notes: for la faerie.

She’ll wonder later, if it was the right thing to do.

Regret never hits quite quick enough and by the time she finds doubt, his mouth is the curve of her hip and her fingers grasp at his hair.

Still too short for her to really pull at and his mouth curves against her skin, smile widens when she moans and he’s a tease really.

(But then again, so is she)

She slips her leg off his shoulder and pulls down her skirt.

He’s muttering curses to her retreating back and she’s never felt more like Blair Waldorf than when she walks away.

She picks up the Scotch that he left at the bar and tosses it down like a pill.

It’s pretty fucking perfect.

you give me fever

gossip girl, jack/georgina, rating r, 71 words.

notes: martyr4mylove4u

It goes like this-

He fucks her at his nephews wedding,

In a coat closet, with her hips sliding over the furs and the pearl necklace he brought the bride, draped around her ankles.

He pulls at her hair, calls her a wanton bitch and she sighs with pleasure.

She kicks him in the shins when she leaves and he grasps the doorframe for support.

He wishes she would cry instead.

no rest for the wicked

skins, tony/jal, chris/jal, 128 words, rating pg 13, au future fic

for: snapdragonrose.

“This isn’t what it looks like.”

Her voice is crisp. Calm, even as she pulls the fabric of her dress from where it’s caught in the buttons of Tony’s shirt.

“Oh, isn’t it?”

Chris’ voice cracks like he’s fifteen and Tony lets out a sigh.

“Bit of an unfortunate circumstance, wouldn’t you say, Chris?”

His arm is still wound tight around her waist and she considers- really thinks about- slapping him.

Chris leaves the room, face contorted in pain that he should have left behind in college, when his lips last touched hers and the door slams shut. Hard.

“Well, where were we then?”

He’s already reaching for her, mouth seeking out her skin and she still wants to slap him.

She doesn’t want it quite enough, though.

the worlds revolve like ancient women

doctor who, ten/rose, 128 words, rating pg

notes: for firstillusion.

She bites her lower lip, teeth sinking into the flesh, white digging into the peach of her lips in a way that is almost too harsh.

“This isn’t good bye.” His lips curls and his shoulders lift in that annoying everything will work out way of his.

“No.” Her tone is dry- “No, it isn’t. This is just another one of those things you simply must do, without any considerations for other people’s feelings.”

Her neck bends to hide the tears and she stares at her shoes to compose herself.

“Isn’t it?” she asks, daring to peep up through wet lashes.

Her words meet the empty beach and his face flashes that obnoxious grin for a split second before it fades.

He’s getting better at avoiding her questions.

ship: dan/blair, fic: misc, ship: booth/brennan, tv: bones, tv: gossip girl, tv: doctor who, ship: tony/jal, fd: meme, tv: skins

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