(no subject)

Oct 26, 2004 11:30

So, I made it through work today, with a little help from my favorite energy drink. I'm so glad that's over because tomorrow is my day off!!!! Oh yeeee. Bring it aroooooooound tooooown!!!

I have decided to become completely committed to a vegetarian lifestyle. Already I see that I'm going to be criticized a lot, but I really believe that this is the right thing for me. I love animals and don't like the thought a senseless and brutal slaughter all so I can have a hamburger. There is plenty to eat without killing animals. Animal rights are extremely important to me. I think if people did research, they would better understand why I choose to do this. Heh. I wanna be one of those natural hippie people. I've always thought they were really cool. I'm getting into all these new fruits and organic foods. I love it. So don't criticize me....or I'll stick a mad cow on you!

Anyway, tonight I have public speaking class. I'll probably get a new assignment. oh yay. I'm going to go take a nap so I can stay awake through class lol.

God bless the animals. And God bless you.

See ya later!
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