Mar 05, 2006 22:12
Soooo update?? What?? I'm warning you now... this is raaaandom shit! Here we go...
Wow, time is going by SO damn fast! I can't believe I'm done my first year of college in less than 2 months. Ahhh!!! School is great though. Classes are easier this semester, and I'm actually enjoying my writing class (unlike last semester when I had a breakdown like everyday). I have my stats midterm tomorrow, eek! But, I'm not too worried... its still easy as pie.
I went to Borders yesterday with Joe. Well, you all know how I go crazy in book stores.... ummm yeah. Four books, a CD, and a DVD!!! Gahh, so I have lots of reading I want to get done. If only I had the time!
Oh yeah, my birthday. It was really low key. My friend Jenny took me out to eat and we had cake back at her place. Then we went to this club and got treated like frickin' royalty because we went with her friend Suki who not only is the sweetest person ever, but happens to know everyone in nyc and got us in for free and free drinks. Amazing. Mom came on my actual birthdy and we went out to eat. It was cute. Nothing extremely crazy. I love facebook though... I got so many birthday messages its not even funny.
Joe finally came home! Woot woot! NYC just isn't the same without my neighbor. I also got my jacket and sunglasses back from his apartment... and he got his sweatshirts hahaha.
Patrick has come to visit twice! Whaaat? Yeah, he basically lives here now. Hahahaha. He had school auditions and sorts. I saw Altar Boyz with him twice, along with Hairspray because we needed to convert Joe (and successfully so!). We ate and ate and ate and walked around in the freezing weather... oh good times. We also danced in my basement hahaha that was fun. I kinda learned how to tap.
Rachel, on the other hand, did not come visit me! But she says she will.... I'm holding you to that promise Rach!!!!
I'm actually stage managing a Theatrix show. Its great because I get to work with some older people in my major, its a good thing to put on my resume, and its not that big of a time commitment at all. So yeah, thats pretty sweet. I'm looking forward to it.
Summer stuff is starting to come together. I'm pretty excited. I want to be in Rocky SOOOO badly this year, but I don't think they're having auditions. Greeeeeat. Gahhh I'll cry if I can't be in it.
I decided to come home for spring break. I'm going to Hartford this weekend, then I'll head over to Keene on Sunday or Monday. I'm not sure how long I'm going to stay, because everyone's going to be in school. I might come back to the city early.... mmm yeah I'm thinking thats a good plan.
Oh yes, I had an allergic reaction to something this weekend. NOT FUN. I broke out with the most disgusting rashes all over my arms and back and hips and stomach and ahhhhh it was awful. I stood in the shower and just cried it was sooo bad. I'm living off of benedryl right now. I'm giong to have to go to the doctors once I get home so they can do testing. Yuck.
We saw the "Dude I got a dell!" guy on the streets, walking out of a liquor shop. HA!
Let's see... anything else? I feel like a fat bum because I've eaten such crap and I haven't been to dance. Uggggggh.
AND I feel like I should give up on life because I cannot find a single attractive straight NYU man to fall in love with. CURSES.
ummm... Mi Te Jo reunion? Mmmmm hmmmm....