May 19, 2007 16:35
Well, tomorrow is my last day of college I guess. I don't know what I'm doing Monday... well I know I'm moving home, but you know what I mean, I don't have anything lined up. I'm waiting to hear from this really cool internship, I'll see if they got my shit this week, last week was too crazy.
Little sleep and too much coffee means I'm a little nuts right now... I of course had to procrastinate on the last school paper I might ever write, so I kind of fucked myself over the past week and didn't get to do some of the stuff I planned on, like spending the night at Alpha Sig formal, going out some of these nights to the bars, chillaxin in general. So now that I actually have some free time, for the first time in like two weeks, I'm writing in livejournal, I figure it's been awhile. I should start utilizing this more, seeing as I want to be a writer but at the same time, have a fear of it. Kind of fucked up.
Mostly I have nothing to say that I would feel comfortable allowing others to read, so I have to get over that. Probably soon since I'm now an unemployed college graduate.
Anyway... I'm going to miss this place. I still can't believe it's over... it feels like I should be halfway done or something. I feel unprepared and scared shitless. At least I have low expectations for both quality of jobs and money; I'm not anticipating being rich anytime soon. So I'm going to take these next few weeks, or months, and enjoy them and not worry about the fact that most of the other college graduates are going to grad schools, fancy corporate jobs, law and med schools, peace corps...... and just have fun and be poor. And live at home in the suburbs... until I have just enough to get the fuck out of there and move to Chicago. Yes. I hate the suburbs, but am not ready to venture outside of Illinois just yet. Not permanently anyway.
I'm going to really really miss everyone I've met here. It makes me ache a little to realize there are some really decent people that I will probably never see again. I just hope they know how much I appreciate them being in my life, for however little time. Now I'm just rambling and being sappy, but my point is, I'm done with school and I'm a little perplexed as to what I should do with my life now. I literally have zero direction. It's kind of nice, but very strange and unsettling, like I should be doing more...
Anyway, fuck that. I'll be in Naperville Monday and will be very up for chillin and seeing old friends. Give me a shout.