Today was pretty good...
had my interview with U of went relaly really well, so thats exciting. They seemed impressed with me and said that I should jsut keep up what ive got going now.
haha so this entry turned into a rant [oops] and im just gunna do what grace did and use a cut. its pointless, jsut to warn you.
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-queer sounding i know
but i have tos ay something while i wait..sometimes the supposedly stupidest things make the world crash down, and i'm glad we share a faith that should keep us strong.
i think we need a day to just sit back and relax without anyone else and we don't have to talk b/c i now know you don't like talking when you're feeling a certain way..and we can sit back stare at whatever drink some nonalcoholic stuff
"ther's a chill in the air.."
i care lots about you. and you know i don't like being right all the time. i wish i could do more, and i'ma ctually gonna try but get shut down :P that's okay..i'll do whatever you want, cor, you can copy and paste that, i'll stick to it..cept i wont turn gay i know how badly you want that..JK haha
so i have something itching for me to say. God won't leave us hanging, cor. God will provide and fill our needs..
"(5)I called upon the Lord in distress; the lord answered me and set me in a large place. (6) The Lord ,is on my side..." Ps. 118 : 5,6
"so ..eyes i'll hold you near.."
i want to get up and do something for yoou
we'll have to wait i guess.
i love you, lots.
i didnt want you to be right. but life is life, right? and i guess God wanted me to learn a lesson. though i dont know what it is quite yet.
*sigh* love you
*hug*love you too
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