
Sep 10, 2007 21:27

So this morning I woke up a little stressed because I had to go to the Soldier of the Month Board, which I haven't really studied for and my uniform was still at the cleaners and come to find out they didn't open till 9 which was when I needed to be at the board. Well, I made it in time and all was well and had my uniform thrown together in about 5 minutes but no one knew except for me. I finally got into the board and did ok but I didn't know a single army regulation question, well I take that back I knew what regulation covered the wear and appearance of the military uniform (AR 670-1 fyi) so I figured I would lose anyway. I was beaten by the guy that went last and he beat me by 12 points thats it 12 fucking points which made me pissy the rest of the day, but I stayed in Class As the whole time because Class As make me happy (the fact that I look hot helps). So that over and done with nothing eventful really happened the rest of the day till work was over and I texted Lukas and said I wore my Class As all day and thought about him, he asked why, I said because the last time I wore them we had sex, he said lmao, I said what it was a good memory, he said that it was, I said (rather whorish of me) I wanna repeat lol, he said come over, I had just pulled into the parking lot and ran upstairs to grab soem cloths I'm still in my Class As mind you and run back down and go all the way back to post, he moved back into the barracks. I get there and change clothes why I dont know I really wasnt in them all that long, he fucked me so hard omg this boy is awesome, I really want to fuck him though. You know the sex is good if you enjoy it and you dont cum. Then we take a shower and he had given me these huge fucking hickies that are totally visbile when I'm in a t-shirt and I was so mad but not really. The story for tomorrow is Ashley's friend Jennie is in from Wisconsin and we all went out and Jennie slept in my bed last night. LOL, they will totally buy it to thats what I love. Well then we went over to Freeman's room a girl that used to hang out with my old roomate Moore a lot, some cute boy is in her room (Pittman) and were all hung and we go to the PX and get a large meat lovers pizza, I love the meat what can I say. It was so fun to hang out with semi drunk people and Lukas who was fucked up. He took the napkins and made boobs for himself it was hilarious. Then I took them back to the barracks and we kissed goodnight with the two of them in the backseat no biggy they both knew anyway. He said I love you as he was getting out of the car then caught himself at what he hasd said and I thought it was really cute. I dont know what to make of it right now since he was drunk and all so I am making nothing of it. I called Ryan who had texted me before I got to Lukas' and talked about me going to Chicago apparently he has this voucher thing so to be in Chicago for 2 days its going to cost $40 round trip, this will be over Columbus Day weekend (Oct 6-8) hopefully I will have tons of fun and lots of sex but who knows right. I get home and talk with Ashely about the days events and the end of a good movie with Halle Berry as a killer, I don't knwo the name of it but it looked really good from the ending. We took Zoey out and I came in and am eating the Tomatoe Soup Ashley made (Keith is on CQ tonight) and decided to make this post. That was my happy getting laid day. YAY.
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