Mar 20, 2006 17:31
Weekend in Leeds was great. It's always good to be around people who listen to you whine on about your "problems" and don't act like they are really bored with you! Luckily I managed to give it a break long enough to have a lot of laughs too. We went dancing, which I hadn't done in a while - last week at the bongo club doesn't count because I only fit in about 15 minutes of actual proper dancing! - and lots of cocktail drinking too - namely 2 caipirinhas, a raspberry mojito and a raspberry ripple. Actually Leeds itself was a bit crap - it hasn't changed at all and it felt wierd going back there after 2 and a half years just to see all these young things doing the things I used to do. I felt old and like I had moved on. But in a good way.
The Italians are also very good! I have 2 classes of 12, they are a mix of boys and girls, and some very effeminate boys that could pass for girls! They are European teens as opposed to Japanese ones which means they actually talk and laugh and interact with the opposite sex. Haha, I shouldn't be mean, but oh my is it a change! After the first hour I was completely buzzing. In some ways I hate to say it but I think teaching is my calling! I'm not entirely sure about that yet, but I do know it is something I can do, do well and actually enjoy, so it's a blessing to be doing this right now.
I had the revelation this weekend that I really want to move to Barcelona. I am seroiusly considering running away there sometime soon. It's kind of impractical seeing as I have very little money to spare but damn it, I've been wanting to do it for the last 3 years so part of me thinks, why don't I stop talking about it and actually do it! I've got nothing to lose and at least I could say I gave it a go. Watch this space.
Ps: I caught a cold. Bum.