Mar 03, 2008 17:47
I'm back at the office, like this weekend in New York never happened. It was a beautiful blur. That's where I want to be. I need supportive friends around me right now, and I really have that there. I really hope everything works out.
I felt so positive and productive this weekend. Nothing could stop me. Back here I just turn into a mess. Everyone wants to help, but I don't know what to tell them. The sooner I find out about NYCTF, the better. I want to make things here better, but I don't want to put a bunch of people out and then just f*ck off, y'know? But I guess I gotta do what I gotta do, as people keep telling me.
Everyone, even Himself, agrees that David is bad/unhealthy for me. My head knows, I just wish someone would explain it to my heart. We are going to dinner tonight to continue talking, but I don't know what I want/what is going to come of it. What will it achieve? I don't know, I just want to have fun with David, like we used to. He's still the best person I've ever met.
This entry was supposed to be about my interview. Ha.