Reading and writing and very little arithmetics

Apr 21, 2014 14:04

I was going to do
runpunkrun's AO3 Stats Meme, but then I went and checked, and my Glee fic now occupies the entire top 10: the Smallville "Seven Year Itch" trilogy has gotten pushed down to 11, 12, and 13. So I don't know that there's anything interesting to talk about there: people like the new fic! But it did inspire me to make some graphs I've been wanting to make for a while.

Here's the hits on my top 15 stories, helpfully plotted in a line by Excel:

Your bog-standard power-law curve, right. But wait! What happens when you plot the ratio of hits to kudos?

Averages are pretty persistent around a 4% hit/kudo ratio. A few interesting deviations:
  • Multi-chapter stories posted over time ("Family Values") and ("Encore Performance") have lower hit/kudo ratios. This is presumably because readers visit the story multiple times while it's getting posted, but can only give kudos once. The question of why "Encore Performance" isn't higher on the total hits list then presents itself, but that's for another post.
  • The Smallville stories have a much lower hit/kudo ratio on average than the new stuff. I don't know if that's because the kudo is a newer interaction that older fandoms don't have as much, or people feel like they've already read and squeed over those stories on SSA and elsewhere. I know I hadn't given kudos to one of my favorite-ever Punk stories until it showed up in her stats meme, but I am pretty sure I re-read it on AO3 at least once.
  • People really like "And Learn To See." Or, given that the other spike is for "...Or Forever Hold Your Peace," another very recent short fic, maybe I'm getting better....

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