I got TWO, count 'em, TWO, fantastic gifts from the Yuletide giftbox.
The first is a Julian Kestrel story,
"In Medias Res." True to its title, it feels a slice out of something larger, but it still manages to capture most of what was wonderful about Kate Ross's novels - Julian's ability to move between the highest and the lowest stratas of mid-19th century London, and most especially the vivid women around him, who are all, in this story, plotting with him and around him, even if he doesn't know it himself. I literally shrieked with glee reading this.
Second, a Superman Returns stocking stuffer, a Jason White futurefic that gets at some of how strange and even melancholy it might be to be him, growing up, and gives us a picture of him with a lovely economy of description:
Maybe, Maybe. I am totally zonked from staying up half the night waiting for the archive and then reading, so that's all I've got for you lovelies right now. Happy holidays from me to all of you, (Frick and Frack, two years old next week (!!) say "Happy Ha'kah!" a little belatedly) and have a wonderful, relaxing, joyous day.