Is everyone as amazed by their kid as I am?

Jan 03, 2013 02:52

Tonight she was just not into going to sleep. It's 2:30am now and she's nursing while unwinding with a little gabba on the iPad. I'm typing this on the phone above her head but she doesn't seem to mind. We spent the past half an hr in the playroom with her "reading" me books using the few words she knows, animal noises, and signs. She would say "baaa" and I'd say "oh there's a sheep?" And she would say "yeah yeah!" So darn cute.

We have this little set of tiny board books that we rarely spend any time with but she wanted to look at them all tonight. There is one about opposites and it has a big dog and a little dog. When she was reading it to me, she told me "arf. Arf. Big!" And signed for big. Then she said "arf arf" and signed little. Also, she used a higher pitched bark for the tiny dog. I was totally tickled. I love when I can see her making connections like that... It's not necessarily something we taught her. I didn't tell her anything but she decided to specify that one dog was big and one was little. Stuff like that totally amazes me.

She is also using a lot more words than she used to. I noticed that she doesn't even try words that start with a "toe" sound but most other sounds she will at least try, even if she can't totally pronounce them properly. Her newest thing is that she likes to point out everything that is purple and say "purple!" in the cutest little voice ever. It makes my heart squish.

Real quick I will just note that New Years was quiet. We stayed home and toasted with sparkling cider. Sofia likes to do "cheers" and she was acting kind of drunk... So much that Jon wanted to double check that we didn't accidentally buy something with alcohol haha. Dog worry... She was just being goofy. My mom and I decided not to make the rice balls we always make. I was feeling pretty run down that night so I just wasn't in the spirit for it. Maybe I can make them soon.

Ugh ok one more cute thing she did tonight... She kept putting her little Sesame Street figurines face down and told me they were sleeping. Then she'd lay with them and say she was sleeping and make her pretend sleeping noises (she breathes heavily and slowly)... Then she'd pop up and say "up!" and get all her little friends up and repeat the process. I want to eat her face. Is that normal? I want to nomnomnom her face off, she's so stinking cute.

Gosh this was rambling. Oh well. Ooooh she's asleep now. I'm going to go watch an episode of glee and knit in the dark until I have to wake Jon for work. :)

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