Quit school for the time being. Quitting smoking again on the first of November. Got fat again, but will have time to go to the gym and not live on fast food now that I won't be going to school. Appointment a week from tuesday with a specialist to get my stomach checked out, cuz it's all fucked up again. Cross your fingers for me. Work is still okay. Marriage is still good. Just had my one-year anniversary. The cake defrosted nicely and was pretty damn yummy. We were suprised. I got diamond/sapphire earrings that match my wedding ring. Another handful of people from the Foster City office have made my List of People to Punch. That's it.
You fit in with:
Your ideals mostly resemble those of an Agnostic. You are fairly ambivalent towards any religion or spiritual connection. You lead a very busy life and find that religion and spirituality are unnecessary to your life.
60% scientific.
40% reason-oriented.
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