Jul 08, 2005 20:34
I have now been employed with Quinstreet Media, Inc. for 4 days. I am a "temporary" employee for the first few weeks while they decide if they want to keep me. My job duties thus far have been fairly simple ones. Basically, someone has already looked over some websites for mistakes and let the people at the site know what they need to fix. (Typos, logos that are the wrong color, general incorrect information...) A couple of weeks later, someone has to go back, with a list of all of the things that needed fixing, and check to see if it was actually done. Sounds easy, huh? Problem is, you run in to weird shit and new problems that the first person didn't catch, or that have come up since the site was checked previously. Also, you end up having to look up what is correct to match to the sites. If there is a long list of programs or services offered at a particular location, and several of them have to be removed, you have to look back and forth between the list of what should be removed, and what's on the site to see if it was done. When a lot of the things on the list are very similar, it's hard.
Here, I'll illustrate:
The SquishyHappy Ice Cream Shop - Atlanta, GA no longer carries the following flavors. Please remove them from your site.
Chocoberry Sugar Cone, Berry-Yummy Crunch, Banana Waffle Cone, Yellow Yogurt, Chocolate Banana Crunch, Yellow Yogurt Lite, Berrychip Delight, Yellowberry Choco-cone.
You check the site, and have to make sure none of the above appear on this list:
Waffle Choco-cone
Berryyellow Crunch
Banana Chocolate Delight
Yellow Lite Yogurt
Berry-Yummy Sugar Cone
Yellow Banana Waffle Cone
Chocolate Banana Toffee Crunch
Berrychip Delight Lite
Choco-sugar Berry Cone
Yellow Yogurt Delight
Berrywhip Delight
Yellowberry Sugar Choco-cone
Yeah, it doesn't help that when people put their notes in the system, they run everything together on a line, instead of making it a list with each item on it's own line. Meanwhile, as you're looking this over, you realize that in SquishyHappy Ice Creams guidelines, it says something about the use of the term "lite", you have to go look it up, and make sure that the site is allowed to list "Lite" items as being available at the Atlanta store, and you can't remember if this is one of the companies that allows the use of the word "Light", but not "Lite" on their site. Furthermore, just to find SquishyHappy, you had to search through a list of damn near every ice cream shop in Georgia.
Fun? Yeah. Now sit and do that for eight hours.
Don't get me wrong, I really do like my job, it just really sounds easier at first than it is. "Oh, I proofread web-sites." That's not even all we do there. I just haven't been trained on other things yet.
On the upside, if they keep me, I get full benefits, paid sick days, paid holidays, 401k. The money is decent. They spoil their employees rotten. Today we had a "meeting" at The Brew House. It was an hour and a half. I only had to write my usual one hour lunch on my time sheet. I had beer and a cheeseburger at lunch. The company paid. Yes, beer. At lunch. At work.
On the 19th--21st, we are taking Excel classes (also paid for by Quinstreet), and on the afternoon of the 21st, when we get done with class (early afternoon), we're going horseback riding. Again, the company is paying. It's a "team-building activity" or some such. Also, they have the most fully-stocked kitchen ever. Pop-Tarts, cheese, lunch meat, bread, mustard, coffee, soda, tea, Cup O' Noodle, oatmeal, cereal, cherries, grapes, apples, granola bars, nuts, bagels, cream cheese... You get the idea. Coworkers are also fun. Yesterday they caught a beetle, and it was decided this morning that it would be the new Compliance Team Mascot. I think they finally let it go outside. One of the girls in the office uses one of those big exercise balls as a chair. Exclusively. Didn't see her use a real chair all week.
Soooo, that's my job. Feel free to covet. Then go get ice cream.