Stolen from
anomie666 whats your full name? Corina
how many candles were on your last b day cake? 25
do you own a fake id? No--but I still have my Florida and California IDs
who are your pets? The Badger. (If you don't know, don't ask.)
whos your best bud? Ken. (Lame answer, since we're married, but we were best buds first, and it kinda stuck.)
whos your worst enemy? It was Susan at Telco. I don't know if I have a worst enemy now. Maybe our kitchen knives. They hate me and want me dead.
who's your SECRET crush? I'm not allowed to have those anymore.
Whats your biggest secret? Obviously I can't say that here or it wouldn't be a secret. Eventually I'm sure it will come up, but not for at least a few months. Not until it's been long enough to no longer matter.
Have you had your first kiss, who was it? This little mexican kid named Tony in my kindergarten class.
Who was the last person you..
(try not to wretch/get bored)
held hands with? Ken
kissed? Ken
loved? Past tense? ? Maybe Justin a little bit. There are a few internet boys that I was VERY fond of for awhile. Dunno if that counts.
laughed with? Ken
Imed?'s been awhile. Probably Seth.
cybered with? Connecticut Andrew.
dated? Justin
hugged? Sara
made fun of? Ken =)
hung out with? Ken (& Sara)
fought with? Probably my mom
cried with? Ken (What can I say? He's geographically convenient)
talked on the phone to? Bill
been happy with? Ken. Duh.
dreamed about? A guy who looked like Newman from Seinfeld, and had made a puppet out of the corpse of a retarded kid he had partially dismembered. As far as people I actually know, I can't remember--There have been a lot--I've had several dreams with Reuel in them over the past few months. It gimme the jibblies.
cried about? Probably Justin
sang with? Ken's family--"Happy Birthday" to his nephew yesterday
hated? Oh man...soooo many people to hate! Most recently it was the cashier at Shopko who just could NOT do ANYTHING even remotely quickly. Just because her dumb bitchass has to stand there for eight hours doesn't mean I should have to.
Love Stuff..
Current lover? Ken (As far as anyone needs to know. Mwhahaha!) No, just Ken.
ever given oral sex? Yes
ever recieved oral sex? Yes
ever had sex? Yes
if so were you drunk at the time? Repeatedly
who was the last person to break your heart? Hmmm...I don't think Justin counts, really. I think this one goes to Mikey. (As much as I hate to admit having had such an attachment.)
who was the last person you broke their heart? Reuel
have you ever been used? Can't remember. Probably. These things happen.
ever used some one? Pretty much, yeah.
cried over some one you couldnt have? Yup. *kicks Ken in the shins* For the better part of six friggin years, no less.
who means the most to you? Ken. Again, duh.
who turns you on the most? Presently,
James Marsters from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I am a dork. A pre-pubescent dork.
you bi or gay? Not so much "Bi" as "Opportunistic"
Fun Stuff:
Have you ever streaked? No.
shoplifted? yup, though not in a long time
mooned some one? Nope. Tacky.
flashed some one? Yup. Lots of Someones.
made out with some one of your sex? Yup!
lied to police officer? Only if you count my father
drank? Yes
smoked? Yes
anything stronger than ciggarettes? Yes
skinny dipped? No
snuck out? Yes
watched porn? Yes
skipped skewl? Yep
Your Opinions
Coke or Pepsi? DIET Coke
Pizza or Chips? Pizza
Black or white? Black
Pink or Purple? Pink!
Green or Blue? Blue
Yellow or Orange? Hrm...Orange?
Michael Jackson or Madonna? Madonna would win in a fight, and she looks better naked. Yup, I'm goin' with Madonna.
Linkin Park or Red Hot Chilli Peppers? Red Hot Chilli Peppers
50 cent or Snoop Dogg? Snoop. I havent' listened to enough of that stuff recently enough to have an opinion on 50 cent, but I still like some of Snoop Dogg's older stuff.
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera? Christina--Pregnant chicks are just not hot to me.
Teletubbies or Boobah? Telletubbies--what the fuck is "Boobah"?
Eastenders or Corrie? No idea
Home and Away or Hollyoaks? uh, Food Network. My default is Food Network.
As Told By Ginger or Hey Arnold? As Told By Ginger. (Hey Arnold fucking bugs me, and ATBG is kinda cute sometimes.)
Trousers or shorts? Trousers? Sure.
Skirts or dresses? Dresses--doesn't require hunting for a coordinating top
T-shirts or jumpers? t-shirts
Sandals or shoes? Shoes
Cats or Dogs? CATS
Rabbits or Hamsters? OMG! Hamsters!!! (Though if badgers were an option, they would win)
Lizards or snakes? Lizards. Green ones. Like they have all over in Florida.
Birds or fish? Yuck. No.
For boys:
I'm answering anyway! *is a rebel*
Perfect Bra size? Anything perky is good. Somewhere in the 32B-36D area, depending on the girl's build and the perkiness. I guess the average there would be a 34C.
Blonde or Brunette or Ginger? Trousers? Jumper? Ginger? We're Brittish!!! Ginger.
Curvy or Stick thin? Curvy, but not like when chunky girls refer to themselves as "curvy" when they're just fat.
Pleasured or Pleasuring? Yes, please.
Your Perfect Girl?: Cross Sarah Michelle Gellar, Mary-Kate Olsen and Drew Barrymore together. Now, give her red hair, and wax her from the neck down. And make her Bi. Doesn't do me any good if she doesn't dig chicks.
For girls:
Perfect Dick (In Inches)? Any dick within about 60 inches of me is fine. Closer is better.
Brown or Blonde Hair? Brown
Muscles or No muscles? A little muscle.
Pleasured or Pleasuring? Again, yes please.
Perfect Guy?: Pleading the fifth.
How do ya like your other half: I like him just fine. Heh.
Shy or Outgoing? Outgoing
Cute or Sexy? Both.
Lone or Social? Adaptable
Fun or Boring? I don't think these things are mutually exclusive.
Stupid or Clever? CLEVER!
Tall or Short? Taller than me.
Thin or Fat? In between.
Huggable or Untouchable? Huggable. Duh.