Mormons -- what a fucked up cult they are :P

Feb 05, 2012 08:40

I'm not one to place too much credence on the maunderings of Bill Maher -- he is far too ready to accept 'woo', and has several times said anti-vac'er inanities. However, he is dead-on with his 'de-baptism' of Mitt Romney's father-in-law. And, personally, this is a revolting practice of the Mormon cult. At least xtianity, while it practices infant baptism (where the one receiving the 'blessing' of getting dowsed in cold water has no say in the matter), you can grow up and leave religulous stupidity behind. But the Mormons .. dog, what a fucked-up crew. The man is DEAD, for fuck's sake. There's nothing left but a mouldering corpse. And even if you personally believe in a 'soul', how presumptuous is it to make decisions for someone about that soul's disposition -- most particularly where they made it clear they didn't accept your bullshit while they were alive?

Bill Maher did a good deed here, IMO:

image Click to view

Frankly, Romney's wife should be ... not just embarrassed this came out, but ashamed at her own rejection of her real memories of her father, and plastering over his actual beliefs with some fairy-tale she accepts. I have no belief in any of this bullshit, but I didn't DREAM of suggesting my father and mother wouldn't be buried as Catholics, in a ceremony done by a priest. To do otherwise would be a rejection not of their religion, but of my real and lasting memories of who they really were -- the only 'soul' they had.

stupid faith
