What the hell is wrong with women???

Apr 16, 2011 08:38

First thing they absolutely *HAVE* to do, on purchasing/adopting/rescuing a perfectly healthy male animal (of any species) is chop the poor guy's balls off.

I mean, seriously, WTF?

critters, rant

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kakoukorakos April 17 2011, 15:28:14 UTC
I think you insinuate too much into the motive.

It's generally just expedience. Most people don't want to deal with spraying/marking, territorial behavior, aggression, getting turned-away from boarding kennels and stables (or having to pay a premium "special handling" rate), and everything else that comes along with the whole package.

I think the real question is more, "Why do some guys project their insecurities and misogynistic fears onto their pets and refuse to have them neutered?" It's great when people have a pragmatic purpose or a principle and go to the extra lengths to care properly for their animals, but the douchebags who get a dog and refuse to neuter him because they "feel like it would reduce his self-image" or whatever, but then they proceed to let him roam the neighborhood and are otherwise extremely negligent owners. They're the ones responsible for most of the aggressive spay/neuter policies at shelters and municipalities because they give intact animals a bad rep overall.

One could also pose the question "Why does almost everyone spay their female cats?", but I think the answer is obvious. If you are a responsible owner and don't let kitty roam & get knocked-up as she pleases because she's a housecat and not a barncat, she is often really, really fucking annoying and noisy. I didn't spay my cat on a matter of principle (the principle of not mutilating animals for my own convenience). I completely and totally understand why almost everyone does, though, because the two easy choices are to do that and be responsible, or to just put kitty out when she gets yowly and be irresponsible, and the third choice is just to endure the yowling and be vigilant against the escape attempts.


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