yay, reel_merlin!

May 13, 2011 11:41

I am having a really crappy day. Just needed to whine for a second there.

But I signed up for reel_merlin! Twice, actually, because I like nothing more than biting off more than I can chew.

I signed up for:

Dirty Dancing -- I actually started a version of this ages ago, but someone always beat me to it during sign-ups. But this time, if anyone's gonna fail to write it, it's gonna be me! I signed up right before bed last night, then couldn't sleep until I found the notebook with the start of the story in it. Then I remembered that I had started writing it in first person present tense. WTF? That's going to have to change.

This will probably be the closest I've ever followed the movie plot for a reel_merlin fic, though I'm moving it to present day Brighton to tell the story of a young gay boy finding himself (and sex). Very little of the dialog will be the same, so I'm hoping that will keep it from seeming *too* derivative.

The Adjustment Bureau -- It'll take second seat to DD, but I really want to write a story in canon-verse using the TAB universe to explain the wonky relationships and characterizations of S2 and S3 of the show. You can't fight destiny, y'all.

merlin, reel_merlin, fic

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