So I wrote this totally free form and it's dumb and it's random and I'm a shitty writer but I put it up here anyway because I should get used to other people reading my writing. But you shoudn't read this because it's hella long and really dumb and I didn't even edit it or fix the bad parts or anything like that and it's just bad so bye go on about your lives.
ARGH! You do this to annoy me, don't you? Oh well, but if you start reading this trash, at least read it all the way through:
newly fucked-up
lost and found
This is me wholly me and it's too fast information going zip zip zip
Too fast for me too fast to see too fast
That dry feeling once again dry dry dry
My life is broken and dry dry cracked again
Dry on my lips dry on my fingers dry behind my eyes and at my throat and
dry again dry again try again dry dry
dry inside where he goes and goes and goes it's fucking dry
wholly me wholly me blah blah can't you see
broken record
bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro broken record yet again SHUT UP
grass green lily white peachy keen pink misty gray SHUT UP
not again not again this is me
through and through and dripping
I wish I had the ocean inside me
oh wrapped up inside me again and again
salty sting where's that ring
coming from my ears oh my ears
what we hears what we hears
cry again try again not again again
keep going and going DON'T STOP KEEP GOING!!!
if it stops then it stops and if it stops then there's just
just just just just this and here we go again, kids
here we go again, love
here we go again, bunny
try and try just hear the cry and scream
oh whisper softly oh so softly
this won't end no it won't end
so turn back now kids
while the tide is high
Oh you'll be reading 'til you die
shit stupid
quite right my friend
that lovely feeling bites back again
harder and harder that lovely sting
inside my sleeve bite back again
ouch that hurt so try to avoid
because we liked the way we tumbled into the void
tumble down and down my friend
you'll like the way they twist the end
but oh silly me I've gone and twisted it right again
no you'll say
not right you'll say
not like that you'll say
too bad hee hee hee
that's the way, it's wholly me
I'm a bitch what can I say
I'll look back with scorn some day
The dryness won't cease and she won't get better
you won't remember his last love letter
Come across it some cleaning day
toss it out with the mold and the hay
married four kids no time for play
wishing you'd picked some other way
too bad for you too bad for me
am I supposed to be upset?
your way around, not my side
oh just look at how hard she tries
again and again with her dry green eyes not this time oh not today
she must be sad cursed this way nothing to torment her anyway
I see it all anyway
and don't you wish you'd turned back now this won't end I can't stop now
you come to me with your broken lives your teenage angst and your endless lies
this is the way the story goes
you came to me because you are my gift
I found the genie this was my wish
this is why this is why why why why why why why WHY WHY
I feel the magic palpable on my nerve endings like sparks sparkles stings
I spread the magic until I hear their song their song again
like liquid like glitter like a slap like a sting
dry in my fingers dry in my knees dry in my sweat and dry in my tease
dry in my sex in my long long long long long
hair ratted and tangled broken and dry of course dry
oh oh silly bunny oh silly bunny
he was always the silliest bunny
now he's gone and my mad hatter too
I have a river boy and a shadow boy too
but I want the goddess I want the queen I want the magic I want the dream
magic herb in my garden grow magic herb tell me what I know
smoke it because it's dry dry dry like me
I see the lights I see the circle I see the sphere I see the spiral the spiral
it's always the spiral again always spi-iiirrraaalll dear
you've never had it like you have it here
now it's a wire now it's a wave now its a sound it's a spiral again
remember the connection remember the shock how it's the spiral too
I'm so so cold shake again in my gut
shake like waves in my legs
oh my god was that a shiver I'm so cold I feel like a slinky slinky slinky
you've never never never had it like you have it here
sober again such a long time
I hate all rythym but I cum for you in ryhme.