Index to my Lupin/ Snape fan fiction.

Jun 03, 2017 13:06

The following post is an index of all the fan fiction I've written. It's basically all Snape/ Lupin with some other canon characters appearing.

Survivors of the Peace.
For Remus, Harry and Andromeda, it has been a struggle to pick up the pieces of their lives and move on. A year after the war ended, they are getting by as best they can. When they realise just how bad things have got for Snape, they all agree to help him. But whether he wants their help is another matter entirely.

Summary: Post second war where both Snape and Lupin survive, but only just. This is a long fic, basically an epic quantity of hurt/ comfort where both Snape and Lupin are badly broken (Lupin physically, Snape mentally), eventually turning into slash after about 100,000 words.
Pairings: Snape/ Lupin, Lupin/ Tonks (past), Harry/ Ginny, mention of quite a few past pairings for Snape and Lupin
Era: after the second war, with a few flashbacks, mostly canon up to the end of DH, not epilogue compliant.
Genre: drama/ angst, hurt/ comfort
Ratings: chapters range from about PG to NC-17 (individual chapters labelled)
Warnings: offensive language, mental illness, substance abuse, physical disability, reference to past child abuse/ neglect and aftermath, reference to past rape/ sexual abuse and aftermath, but there's eventually  a happy ending(highlight to view warnings, individual chapters also labelled for the particularly dark bits)
Disclaimer: this is a work of fan fiction. All recognisable characters belong to JK Rowling, apart from a few small bits from other authors, mentioned on the chapter pages. I make no profit from this etc.

Link to summary page/ index for Survivors of the Peace.

The Comfort of Monsters
Snape comes to gloat at Lupin’s departure from Hogwarts.

Summary: Written for the Shores of Angst fest. Therefore lots of angst, and some hurt/ comfort
Title: The comfort of monsters
Author/Artist: coriaria
Rating: PG
Prompt: Prompt Any3 How do you live with yourself, when you know you are a monster?" by crazyparakiss
Pairing: No pairing, could be Lupin/ Snape pre-slash if you squint your eyes and look at it on the right angle
Era: PoA
Word Count for fic: 4500
Content/Warning(s): ambiguous ending (highlight to view)
Author's Note: Thanks to my very prompt and helpful beta, DarthKrande, for helping me get this story into shape.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Link to Shores of Angst entry here.

Link on Dreamwidth here.
Link on Livejournal here.

Cast in the Mould
A series of stories starting with Snape's childhood and ending post-war. The stories are connected but different in style, point of view etc. They are pretty much in keeping with canon up until the end of DH, when I let them both survive. Three episodes are complete, one more is half-complete (not posted), and the last is partly done (not posted).

Pairings: Lupin/ Snape, others mentioned in individual stories
Rating: PG to NC-17

Link to part 1 Quite the Little Dark Arts Expert here.
Link to part 2 Where There Was One Marauder here.
Link to part 3 Called to Heel here.
Link to part 4 Imperfect Offering will be here when it's complete.
Link to part 5 (still untitled) will be here when it's complete.
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