Oct 19, 2005 18:39
(Not that any of you, well maybe Newt, will know some of these names...)
It's not that its bad, its just that I am beyond frustrated. He says he wants to see me grow, yet he gives everything to Loretta and expects me to help him teach it to her. I still get no money for programing, and am expected to be super woman and do all the hours that everyone wants of me... I am tired of the Phonathon life, I want to see freaking daylight and enjoy it, I want a life after 5pm, not have to come to Biddeford and babysit some kids on the phone, just cause UNE can't save the money that they promised to give to a position that would help me be in the office during they day, such that I can get my own work done, on top of others. I am tired of having to babysit Laura, the girl can be trusted to do her job, why she has to have me second guessing her all the time, or verifying everything she does is beyond me. I'm tired of people still coming to me rather than to Laura to answer their Blackbaud questions... LET LAURA DO HER JOB! And I wish everyone else would feel so confident in their jobs that they would stop asking questions of me, and do it themselves, Sarah, Tracie, etc... Of course the culture is "I need to be scared of everything I do, cause god forbid I screw something up!" which in turns builds absolutely no self confidence for those people, and I can't stand it anymore, cause their questions, keeps me from doing what I need to be doing a lot of the time, and I am getting behind...
He does know that I am going down... I don't care, he should know that I can walk away, at any time, and leave them. I came right out and told him about it, and he did look a little concerned, and came right out and said, "please don't accept anything without us being able to counter first." To be honest, there is nothing that they can counter with... They won't upgrade my title, cause he does not and refuses to see me equivalent to Loretta, if they give me more pay, my first question would be, why could you fund a position that would have helped me at the beginning of this year, if you can afford to offer me more pay now?
We'll see what they do when I come back from South Carolina, cause I have a interview with Blackbaud to potentially become a Raiser's Edge Consultant *quick! someone! please give Mitt some mouth to mouth, cause I believe that thud I heard was her fainting at me selling out to Blackbaud* For those of you not in the know, Raisers Edge is a database program that many non-profits use to do all their record maitenance with. This job would have me based out of my home (which could be anywhere I make it - Panther, make some room for me NOW!), and I would be travelling alot, which many people have been saying, "oh do you really wanna do that? won't you get sick of that?" My response has been, right now, anything is better than sitting here and doing much of nothing...
So yeah... I think I am done. I've all but given up, and will do what I am expected to do. No more, no less. I will keep my tasks going that need to be done, but I will not put that extra 10% into it that I use to, cause I don't care... It's the first time that I have really said this, about UNE and meant it... I love my phonathon kids, they are what keeps me attached, but most of them are new too, so if I walked away now, it would hurt as much as it would have last year at this time.
Oh, what's a girl to do... And of course, I will add the token, "if this is all that is wrong in my life, consider myself lucky..." so no one else has too...