Last night was the fucking shit

Apr 13, 2003 11:54

Katie came over yesterday...
we kinda just chilled, she fell in love with Mikey...
we went up to the Ryerson Market...SKREWBALLS and capachino.(that's not how you spell it)

Uh...yeah, so we just did random shit, then everyone left to go out to dinner so we made tuna...
and had some nice conversations...

We went on Steph's screen name (sorry steph) and talked to james, he thought it was Kyle the whole time, and he thought he was drunk, the whole don't like tits, cuz YOU'RE GAY!! it came with the package, you like packages, CUZ YOU'RE GAY!!...on and on and on...just calling him gay 9384938493 times...and it was still funny, man, it was so fucking random and great...

Then we called him, screamed YOU'RE GAY...and he STILL thought it was Kyle, he's like "oh, you must be one of Kyle's female friends..."
It just went on and on forever and it was the funniest shit EVER. I'll probably post the ENTIRE conversation, just for shits and giggles.

so the whole time we ate about an entire box of cereal...
and pixy stix, no snorting this time (...OW!)

Uh...yeah, then we were up till 3 am talking about the meaning of life...and she just left...

We drank all my mom's coffee though, hah, she got mad.
Okay that's about it...

Shogina Ponlally.

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