Aug 02, 2006 22:44
I logged into live journal this evening because I had something good and interesting and deep to post about. Then I cruised around the site for a few minutes and forgot what I was gonna say....
So instead, I'll just talk about something less important:
I go out in public sometimes. (Sometimes they let me out into the real world). And when I am in public, there are other people around. While I generally always avoid eye contact with people, especially strangers, but especially people I like as well, I notice things about people as they pass by. I don't stare but I can generally make a few assumptions about people. I'd say assumptions are right about 50% of the time, which also means that they are either right or wrong. I think I get a lot of them right, but I'll never really know. So I assume that maybe a couple people see me out of the corner of their eye (I hope it doesn't sound like I have a big ego or anything, that's the last problem that I have) and I wonder what these few random people might assume about me based on appearance and words and stuff like that. Do people think I go to college or do they think I am unemployed and live with my parents? Do I look like someone who has never been drunk or high? Do I look like someone who has been in love or kissed a girl? I know it doesn't really matter at all, but imagine all the lies I could be projecting. I'd feel bad for leading people into thinking I am someone I am not or the opposite. I've always said "you are only as smart as people think you are." I stand by that still. Image is important. Having a good image gets the right people to notice you and stuff like that. For example, a guy might want to casually approach a female (I don't know the lingo, bear with me here) but the guy then notices that this girl has a shirt that has the name of a band that he doesn't care for on it, I will let you all fill in the blank as far as what band it is. But anyways, it's not a big deal at all, but just something little like that could be enough to make him not approach her. If she wore a different shirt and he approached her, maybe they would have had a lovely time together and married and grown old together or could have just had a good conversation when they first met. But I think my point was that how you project yourself is important to some extent in today's society.
end random sst