Mar 14, 2009 20:44
DominatedOhSix's burger recipie.
-Take you some burg
-fuckin wood or flavor charcoal that shit
-I drop about 3 hits of good ass hot sauce on that shit
-and garlic powder and some seasonin salt pre cook owns especially with that worchestershire sauce
-toss it on the fire and fuck kids who tell you to only turn once cause I flip that sit like it was government money
-like 3 beers
-once its done toss it on a Kaiser roll cause I love that shit
-if you add cheese add it on the god damn bottom to catch that awesome juice (cheddar or provelOWNS)
-sauce it to taste with something JR made cause game recognize game
-eat yo shit and make some more cause more than one motherfucka gon want this burg and you should always have friends at your spot
-Buy cow
-Unhinge jaw