Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Does
afah87 do drugs? You would think so...
2) Where was
llamalady86 born? a hospital??
3) How would
jesusfreak8487 conquer the world? I'm sure it would involve X-Box somehow.
4) Are
thanku4thecross and
yeti792 married? nope
5) How long would
jesusfreak8487 dating
shannon2084 last? How far can you divide a second?
6) What would you do if you found out
akai_kaminari has a crush on you? That would be weird.
7) Which president would
diamonddoll912 be likely to idolize? Charlton Heston? How about president's wife - Eleanor Roosevelt.
8) Has
karolyne been to your house/dorm? Prolly, but before I lived here.
9) If
attackmyheart took over the world, who would suffer? everybody :-P
10) Would
herpumpkinking go out with
meggie_meg? I really don't see that happening.
11) What video game does
azul_chan remind you of? Pokemon
12) What would
pudgypatriot32 think of
yeti792? He prolly wouldn't.
13) One thing you can't stand about
llamalady86? That she's not a blood a sister or something.
14) Is
jesusfreak8487 friends with
shannon2084? Prolly...sorta
15) What is
llamalady86 allergic to? dunnos
16) Does
llamalady86 drink? I bet she could put away some tea.
17) Could you see
imastoreclerk and
maniac_mcgee together? Not at all.
18) Do you have a crush on
cutekittie06? nope
19) Thoughts on
afah87? a kindred spirit if ever I've seen one
20) Would
ca77 and
ashw7n11 make a good couple? Not at all.
21) What song/movie would you recommend to
thanku4thecross? The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
22) Would
imastoreclerk and
akai_kaminari look good together? possibly, but....don't see that one happening either
23) Where did you first meet
bobthenameless? either church or Brewer...don't remember. Church, I think
24) Has
llamalady86 dyed their hair? dunno. possibly. would be a shame, though
25) Are
herpumpkinking and
akai_kaminari going out? no (see #22 - same folks)
26) What is
hannahjo34's favorite color? dunno
27) What is
hannahjo34's favorite band/artist? dunno that either
28) If
jmac789 took over the world, who would be happy? jmac789
29) Are
pudgypatriot32 and
9jesus_freak9 going steady? noooooo
30) Have you ever dated
shannon2084? nope