hail to the king, baby

Oct 23, 2001 03:41

i rented a couple more movies today. they are "the evil dead" and "april fool's day." i watched april fool's day first, downstairs because the vcr in my room kept spitting it out. then i tried watching evil dead in my room but the tape got stuck in the vcr, and it just wasn't working at all. so my dad and i took it apart to get the movie out, and my dad ended up breaking the vcr when his screwdriver slipped. i'm not mad at him or anything. he was nice enough to get out of bed to help me so i could watch my movie. anyway, the problem was that a label was stuck in the gears inside...the label for meatballs 4. i want hollywood video to buy me a new vcr. it is the fault of their shitty label that it is broken. well, it's not even a label that they put on..it's the actual movie label that came on it...but still. i'm just pissed. i liked my vcr. so then i watched evil dead, and it was great. other than that it was an uneventful day. oh and i think someone yelled "faggot" at me as i was walking home. i couldn't tell what they said. it came from a passing car. hooray.
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