Maybe you can explain what this means: Also, note that it says "Box".
So yeah, any thoughts on what this girl being hot and tired in a boxing ring has to do with "Campus Girls"? There is a bunch of these Campus Girl themed posters, and they are all sexy women doing things that as far as I can tell have nothing to do with anything but looking really sexy.
Actually, I may have just explained away this one.
On a side note, Friday's "Metro" had on it's front page a huge photo of Temple's new computer lab, with an accompanying article that took up sixty percent of the page. The other 40% of the page was about the UN calling out the US on torturing prisoners at Gauntanamo Bay, as well as in secret prisons throughout the world.
60% new computers at local university.
40% our nation being called out on horrible human rights violations by the international community.
Next post: Less "Quotation Marks"
Hope everyone is well!