Sep 03, 2011 12:39
Age: Little pony.
Height: Little pony.
Weight: Little pony.
Medical Info: Healthy earth pony!
Eyes: Green
Mane: Blonde
Physical traits: Her cutie mark is three red apples on her flank. Her mane and tail are usually tied toward the end with red bands. She's usually wearing a cowboy hat.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything should go! Matters of an ... adult nature will be met with quizzical looks and confusion. But why would you bring that up with a pony?
Abilities: Making delicious food with apples and being honest.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: She's a totally normal pony. What she's saying will match what she's thinking--she's a pretty open book.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Why would you ever want to hurt such an adorable pony?! If you do have ideas or if things come up where it could lead down a not-so-friendly path, we can talk.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Sure!
Maim/Murder/Death: Please no. :(
Cooking: Applejack's more of a baker, but she can make tons of dishes and desserts that feature apples. I don't think it's a stretch to say she's capable of cooking and baking other things.
Other: To be added later?