Quarter-Life Crisis

Apr 13, 2012 12:13

So, the last few months, I've kind of been having my quarter-life crisis just a few years late (does that mean I'll live to 108?) I've been freaking out about stupid things, like my job and my savings and all kinds of stuff.

But today, I thought about it. If I'd done all the things I wanted for college, if I'd gone to William and Mary to pursue the marine biology degree, then where would I be now? I don't have any guarantees it would be a BETTER place. A different place, probably. I don't know if I'd have ended up back in Nebraska, but maybe I'd still be in an office job that I don't hate but don't really love, either.

I do know for certain that I never would have met my best friend. krillia and I only met because of UNL's anime club, so take that out of the picture, and we didn't exactly run in the same circles. Heck, I only started liking anime because of watching Adult Swim most nights on the phone with my brother. I don't know as that would have held up with a long distance call instead of a local one.

No Krill and no anime would probably mean no roleplaying, either. I only got into THAT because of my last college roommate. No UNL means different roommates with different interests, and who knows? I might have ended up doing steampunk instead or writing original fiction or any number of things that aren't the current me. krillia is also responsible for getting me into DBSK, so that would probably be right out, too. It's possible, I would have come around to the same things by a different route, but certainly not guarranteed.

And no roleplaying or DBSK would mean no transitorial.

That's where I realized that, no, life may not be perfect or exactly what I envisioned it being, but it's pretty fucking awesome exactly as it is. Not saying the quarter-life crisis is over or anything, but now whenever I start worrying about why didn't I go to a different college or have a different major or go to grad school, I can remember that because I DIDN'T do those things, my life led me here, to the happiest, most content, most wonderful place I could ever imagine being. That has nothing to do with my job or my savings or my house or anything at all. It's the people.

tl;dr = I love you guys. :)

This entry was originally posted at http://corellianrogue.dreamwidth.org/201674.html.


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