I keep absolutely praying that Eun Seol at least gets with him or returns his feelings even temporarily, just so Muwon can have some happiness, no matter how brief. ;____________;
lol Man, he had me squeeing like a freak at the end of that episode, with that darling half-hopeful, half-scared, puppyish look on his face. Duuuurrrrrr... So cute, honestly.
Me too. I both love and hate that he's opening himself up to Eun Seol like this. I love it, because she is SO good for him, and helps him become a better person, but I hate it because he's setting himself up for such a heartbreaking fall. ;__________;
OMG, she so could. She's just 100% that awesome. LOVE HER.
Exactly! And that's why it hurts so much. I mean, don't get me wrong, I adore this show more with every episode (which worries me, because I may go supernova before we get through ten more episodes at this rate) but I don't know how much more my heart can take. I keep going all 'd'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... no! wait! this is bad! but... d'awwwwwwwwwwwwww but no!'
YES! She is awesome and amazing.
Also, Jiheon's smile is amazing. And so adorable. But sometimes kind of creepy. I want to read him a workplace harassment training manual sometimes.
Ugh, god, I know. I'm so terrified and excited with each new episode because GOD, what if THIS is the one that's going to give me the inevitable heartbreak? BUT GOD I LOVE MUWON SO MUCH WITH EUN SEOL WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BREAK MY HEART SO BADLY?!
I want to hug the grandmother about five hundred times an episode, so yeah. LOVE. Awesome lady, her. ♥
I don't think I ever caught the creepy part. I was always so busy going "Ooooohhhh, adorable puppy!" But dude, once you said that, omg YEAH. XDDDDD
Especially in that scene with him and Eun Seol walking down the hallway and he randomly says that he likes her and thinks she's pretty, and she gets all creeped out.
(You keep using these Soulmate icons and aaaaaaaaaaaah XD)
I DON'T KNOW I WANT THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO And then, every now and then, I have a moment where I go 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my Jaejoong is such a good actor eeeeeeeeeeeeee' and then I feel bad, because most of the time he IS such a good actor that I think of Muwon and not Jaejoong but he's just so... ah, that boy. The scene where he's agonizing over whether to betray his mom or not. Just. Just. &hearts
I continue to love all the characters. Although Muwon's mom slightly less. She's starting to get a bit evil for evil's sake. BUT OH! OOOOOOOOOH! Bongman and his secretary plotting against Muwon! AH! That scene alone, just that tiny bit of dialogue, almost killed me. I'm like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! Because you EXPECT Muwon's mom and the bitchy duo to do shit like that, but then Muwon shall ride to the rescue like a knight in really fucking hot, half-unbuttoned armor, but who will save Muwon?! No one will save Muwon!
(I can't help it! A good portion of my icons are Soulmate-y and when my little pops up, they're RIGHT THERE and yeah... XD)
OMG I know! Most of the time, I don't even think of him as Jaejoong (I did, in fact, have to go back and watch 3hree Voices II just so I could remind myself of the fact that Jaejoong is NOT, in fact, Muwon, and therefore I cannot coax Muwon through a broken heart as he is NOT REAL). But he really is sooooo amazing. He just blows me away more and more with each episode! And YES, that scene where he's just standing there, trying to think about what to do... I loved him so much. ♥
EUN SEOL WILL SAVE MUWON! TOTALLY! She's already offered to beat up Muwon's mom and Nayoon to make Muwon happy. She would TOTALLY beat up Bongman and his secretary if she had to. (That'd be a deeply amusing showdown. Bongman v Eun Seol in a boxing ring woooo!)
*threadjacks* After Sunao ni Narenakute, I wasn't expecting much, but I have to say, Yoochun AND Jaejoong surprised the hell out of me with their respective drama performances over the past year. I love seeing how into the role he gets, because I'll be honest, I expected to find myself calling him 'Jaejoong' and not 'Mu Won' pretty much throughout. Nope. It's all Mu Won, all the way.
After their nightmares that were just about EVERY DRAMA PREVIOUSLY, I honestly didn't have much expectations either. But WOW. I don't know how they did it, but I swear, it's like they aren't even the same people anymore. I see the way they are now, and then I look at how they were THEN, and it's literally mindblowing.
(I lack many Soulmates icons, minus the one above. PLENTY OF JAEJOONG THOUGH! MORE JAEJOONG ICONS THAN I COULD EVER NEED)
I covet your 3hree Voices II. COVET. I loved that scene, and the rest of the car scene after the kiss when he looks like he just kissed a spider or something completely icky and then he's all '...right. second place again. just go away' and how he's so childish about always one-upping Jiheon because he can't ever win at anything that MATTERS and... wait. No, now I'm just talking about all my favorite things again. >.>;
Duuuuuuuuuuude, that would be an awesome scene. Total cagefight to the death. Which, speaking of, I love how she always gets between Bongman and Jiheon. It's so... devoted. And just, I love her. And I love them. But they're going to kill Muwon by being together, so I shouldn't, but I do. I AM CONFLICTED.
I promise if I ever take a road trip up to NE, I'll bring it with me so you can watch it. There's this one scene when Jaejoong's making food for Yoochun, who's playing video games in the living room, and when it's ready, he calls Yoochun like SUCH a darling newlywed couple. ♥ (Also, LIES, YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY JAEJOONG ICONS.)
And don't worry, I flail over my favorite moments all the time too. I'm sure people are getting sick of hearing me. XD
I KNOW, RIGHT? As soon as that idea popped into my head I loved it to itty bitty pieces. What an awesome image. I knooooooooooooooooow! God, I want to love them SO MUCH, but then it leaves my favorite character out in the cold and whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....?
You should totally take a road trip up to NE. Just saying. But not in the summer. Or the winter. Or any time we're having weather. Which.... leaves like a week and a half in April. ^^;
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah JaeChun are so cuuuuuuuuute. It's not fair. I never used to tinhat like this. Seriously. Never. Not once. I knew my delusions were always delusional. WHY MUST THEY RUIN ME WITH THEIR COUPLENESS?!?!
I'm just lucky to have Janel up here. I wouldn't have anyone else to flail at in person, otherwise. I need to infect meet more people up here who like kpop/kdramas/whatevs >.>;;;;;;;;;;;
I'm almost scared of Ep 7 now, though. I mean, I have such high expectations, and considering where it left off, SOMEHOW it will COMPLETELY SHATTER ME WITHIN THE FIRST FIVE MINUTES. Possibly multiple ways. I am both afraid and excited.
It was actually kind of hilarious, apparently we are both capable of going "ehhhh?!?!" like the most pathetic type of fangirl >.>
Man, he had me squeeing like a freak at the end of that episode, with that darling half-hopeful, half-scared, puppyish look on his face. Duuuurrrrrr... So cute, honestly.
Or I want Grandma to be badass and sort this shit out. She could do it, too.
OMG, she so could. She's just 100% that awesome. LOVE HER.
YES! She is awesome and amazing.
Also, Jiheon's smile is amazing. And so adorable. But sometimes kind of creepy. I want to read him a workplace harassment training manual sometimes.
I want to hug the grandmother about five hundred times an episode, so yeah. LOVE. Awesome lady, her. ♥
I don't think I ever caught the creepy part. I was always so busy going "Ooooohhhh, adorable puppy!" But dude, once you said that, omg YEAH. XDDDDD
Especially in that scene with him and Eun Seol walking down the hallway and he randomly says that he likes her and thinks she's pretty, and she gets all creeped out.
I DON'T KNOW I WANT THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO And then, every now and then, I have a moment where I go 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my Jaejoong is such a good actor eeeeeeeeeeeeee' and then I feel bad, because most of the time he IS such a good actor that I think of Muwon and not Jaejoong but he's just so... ah, that boy. The scene where he's agonizing over whether to betray his mom or not. Just. Just. &hearts
I continue to love all the characters. Although Muwon's mom slightly less. She's starting to get a bit evil for evil's sake. BUT OH! OOOOOOOOOH! Bongman and his secretary plotting against Muwon! AH! That scene alone, just that tiny bit of dialogue, almost killed me. I'm like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! Because you EXPECT Muwon's mom and the bitchy duo to do shit like that, but then Muwon shall ride to the rescue like a knight in really fucking hot, half-unbuttoned armor, but who will save Muwon?! No one will save Muwon!
OMG I know! Most of the time, I don't even think of him as Jaejoong (I did, in fact, have to go back and watch 3hree Voices II just so I could remind myself of the fact that Jaejoong is NOT, in fact, Muwon, and therefore I cannot coax Muwon through a broken heart as he is NOT REAL). But he really is sooooo amazing. He just blows me away more and more with each episode! And YES, that scene where he's just standing there, trying to think about what to do... I loved him so much. ♥
EUN SEOL WILL SAVE MUWON! TOTALLY! She's already offered to beat up Muwon's mom and Nayoon to make Muwon happy. She would TOTALLY beat up Bongman and his secretary if she had to. (That'd be a deeply amusing showdown. Bongman v Eun Seol in a boxing ring woooo!)
I covet your 3hree Voices II. COVET. I loved that scene, and the rest of the car scene after the kiss when he looks like he just kissed a spider or something completely icky and then he's all '...right. second place again. just go away' and how he's so childish about always one-upping Jiheon because he can't ever win at anything that MATTERS and... wait. No, now I'm just talking about all my favorite things again. >.>;
Duuuuuuuuuuude, that would be an awesome scene. Total cagefight to the death. Which, speaking of, I love how she always gets between Bongman and Jiheon. It's so... devoted. And just, I love her. And I love them. But they're going to kill Muwon by being together, so I shouldn't, but I do. I AM CONFLICTED.
And don't worry, I flail over my favorite moments all the time too. I'm sure people are getting sick of hearing me. XD
I KNOW, RIGHT? As soon as that idea popped into my head I loved it to itty bitty pieces. What an awesome image. I knooooooooooooooooow! God, I want to love them SO MUCH, but then it leaves my favorite character out in the cold and whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah JaeChun are so cuuuuuuuuute. It's not fair. I never used to tinhat like this. Seriously. Never. Not once. I knew my delusions were always delusional. WHY MUST THEY RUIN ME WITH THEIR COUPLENESS?!?!
I'm just lucky to have Janel up here. I wouldn't have anyone else to flail at in person, otherwise. I need to infect meet more people up here who like kpop/kdramas/whatevs >.>;;;;;;;;;;;
I'm almost scared of Ep 7 now, though. I mean, I have such high expectations, and considering where it left off, SOMEHOW it will COMPLETELY SHATTER ME WITHIN THE FIRST FIVE MINUTES. Possibly multiple ways. I am both afraid and excited.
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