Day 2 of my Steve Carell week featuring Get Smart @ The SoHo Apple Store

Jun 19, 2008 00:37

This may be a bit jumbled as I am extremely tired. Day 2 of my Steve Carell week featuring Get Smart @ The SoHo Apple Store.

Okay so I can only describe today/tonight as BEST EXPERIENCE. EVER. It was amazing. As you know I'm following Steve around this week in an attempt to get a picture with him, while he promotes Get Smart. Yesterday I hit Letterman before my class and got some amazing pictures which I will post tonight \/ down there somewhere. That was a lot of fun and I met three girls who were incredibly nice. Anyway, today I hit Good Morning America (I was on-camera!) and then headed over to Regis and Kelly (my cab followed Steve's Hybrid SUV for a while... it was funny)! They were both really fun but I STILL didn't get my picture with Steve.

So the rest of today I stood in line to get into the Get Smart event at the Apple Store. I got there at 1:20 PM and was the first person in the so-far non existent line. The guy I asked said I could come back in a few hours when more people show up but I was set on staying. So, I was the only person in line until about 330-345 when I was joined by a guy. I still forget his name but we went by our position in line. I was one, he was two. We were later joined by 3, 4, and 5 at around 400. I was so excited and nervous and seeing steve up close. Well, as the time slowly ticked away and hunger came, we all ordered a pizza together (by this time more people had come but the 5 of us stuck together). At around 8-ish Anne arrived (I feel like I'm skipping a lot but whatever I'll get right to it). About 15 minutes later Steve arrived. They rushed in pretty quickly but that was okay. I knew I'd see them for sure inside. They ended up doing some press in there for about a half hour. Meanwhile we are outside, Shoshana, had arrived just before 7 but we were unable to have her move up because an incident had already occurred with a family of four trying to squeeze into the front of the line (idiots :P) Anyway, we became friends with the main security guy there so he took care of it. :) We also became friends with the door guy, or at least I did. Oh I also forgot, they handed out KAOS & CONTROL pins. I traded with #2 for a CONTROL.

While waiting to get in, JOHN HODGMAN AKA "I'm a PC" walked to the door of the store. I quickly recognized him and said "HI!" really loud. He looked at me, smiled and said "hello" back. I was the only one who immediately recognized him and #3 asked if I knew him, I said no! That's PC! And eventually everyone was trying to catch a glimpse of him. Still waiting, I noticed black car pulling up, I had overheard them mentioning they were waiting for one more person but I had never expected this! Out walks STEPHEN COLBERT and he quickly goes into the Apple Store. At this point I'm FLIPPING out! My two favorite comedians together??? AGAIN!??? HOLY SHIT! I was trying to figure out what he was doing there. Well, we found out he was moderating! And I gave up Daily Show tickets for this! SO WORTH IT! And Shoshana totally had a good feeling last night. She was soo right. So we file in and, being the first one, as I walked up the stairs, my line buddies behind me get my picture taken, I'm shaking so much I'm just trying not to fall. Everyone is staring, they had Mac workers lined along the side, it was WICKED. I ended up being on the far left side. The interview seats were on the opposite side of the stage, I wasn't very happy about this initially but it was okay in the end.

They got everyone ready by telling us the rules about no cameras and that they were gonna be filming this for a podcast. Then, they introduce both Steve and Stephen. The room they came out of was directly to my left. They both jogged out and over to the seats. Stephen made a comment about how he had all this nice stuff to say about Steve as an Intro but now couldn't say so Steve said he'd leave and walked off so Stephen could give him a proper intro. At this point Steve was directly in front of me, Stephen was to my right and I tried so hard to watch both. Eventually I just watched Steve because he was closer. I missed most of what Stephen said, unfortunately. But once the interview was on, I was totally into it. First off, they sang. That's right. The Star Spangle Banner. Steve had a hard time not laughing but OMFG. It was the most amazing thing EVER. I really hope thats on the podcast because I would like to remember that FOREVER.

After that Stephen started asking questions and it was great. I'm still in shock of seeing it so hopefully you'll get to watch the Podcast and see it all too. ANother great part was when Stephen was going through the classic Get Smart lines and asking if and how many times they were used in the movie. When Stephen got to "This is the second biggest [blank] I've seen" Steve exclaimed that he did not say that but his wife does all the time. I died. I really wish Nancy had been there. That, and possibly an appearance by Jon, would be the only things that could have made the night any better. Steve and Stephen talked about Second City and their past which was really awesome. Basically their whole interaction was incredible.

Anne Hathaway came out about 10 minutes later. I surprisingly liked her. She told a raunchy joke which was great because Stephen and Steve just cracked up. I guess she had told this joke on set and it had cause both Steve and Dwayne Johnson to blush. It was "Three tampons are walking down the street. A light flow, medium flow and heavy flow. A guy called them over, which one would talk to him first. [beat] None they were all stuck up cunts." It was funny to hear a joke like that from someone seemingly so innocent (she was in freakin' Princess Diaries which is "the Godfather for eight year-olds" according to Anne). Definitely check out the podcast if you are able. I'm very tired so I'm not remembering as much as I should. Most the fan questions were directed at Steve. Both #4 & #5 from my group were able to ask questions. I was too nervous to ask because they all would turn to look at you when you asked and when they answered and to have Steve AND Stephen looking at me, would be too much. yeah I know, I'm weird.

The night was over too quickly. As they showed the clips from the movie, which I did not pay attention to considering Steve, Stephen and Anne were less than twenty feet from me in that room, which I knew they'd have to leave from to get out. As soon as I saw them approaching, Steve and Anne that is, I waved my hand and yelled quietly "Goodnight Steve!" and he looked over, smiled and waved and said goodnight back. Then because Anne was right behind him and I didn't want to leave her out so I did the same and she waved and smiled. Steve looked a little frightened, perhaps he recognized me from earlier that day and at from Letterman. Heh. I tried to do the same with Stephen who left a minute later but he didn't look over, which was fine, I know he was in a hurry. It was pretty late.

So, we rushed outside hoping to catch another glimpse. We got there just as Stephen was getting out of his car. Luckily, John Hodgman, who sat in front of us during the interview was still out there. I had asked for a picture inside but the lighting was terrible so it didn't come out. We decided we'd try to get pictures with him outside and ended up chatting with he and his friend for about ten minutes. He's an incredibly nice guy and even let some kids draw on his arm and hand. I had to have my picture taken with #3's camera so hopefully I'll have the picture soon. He signed a notebook for me which I'll try to take a picture of later as well. After that I went out for drinks with #3,4 &5. It was just the greatest evening of my life. I cannot even describe how I feel now. I will NEVER forget this!

Here are the pictures from Letterman. Lance Armstrong was also the guest so there are a few pictures of him. Check out the gallery for more pics.

ETA: #5, the Anne Hathaway fan AKA Kerry, posted some pics on her blog! Check them out here! And yes that is a picture of me.

ETA: I was actually thinking this last night during while this was all going down. If Sky were there, it would have been even more awesome too. When they would say something that I thought Sky would've gotten a kick out of I kept going for my phone. But I didn't want them to think I was recording anything... :(

actor- stephen colbert, film- get smart, famous people, actor- steve carell

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